What Is a Pre Arrest Test for DWI in North Carolina

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Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus(HGN) Test

Walk-and-Turn Test

Walk-and-Turn Test

Saying the alphabet


Observing signs of impairment such as lack of coordination, slurred speech, inability to concentrate, etc

Observing an odor of alcohol

The test results are admissible in court and used as evidence against you in court;

It the test reveals a BAC of .08 or higher, your driving privileges will be revoked for at least 30 days; and,

If you fail to comply with the test procedures after being transported to the police station, the officer can charge you with any offense supported by probable cause

It is important to understand:

636 Court StreetJacksonville, 28540

Phone: 910.347.0161

Content provided by: Best Legal Practices
