Resolution to be filed with registrar of the

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Resolution to be filed with registrar of the


-Alen philip-

Resolution to be filed with registrar of the company

Section 192 in The Companies Act, 1956 resolutions should be filed with roc within 30 days after passing or making it.1. Special resolution2. Resolution which have been agreed to by all

members on a subject which otherwise required a special resolution.

Resolution to be filed with registrar of the company

3.Any resolution of the B.O.D of the company or agreement executed by the company , relating to the appointment , reappointment or renewal of the appointment or verification of terms of appointment of a M.D.

4.Resolution or agreements which have been agreed to by all the members of any class of shareholders.

Resolution to be filed with registrar of the company

5. All the resolution and agreement effectively bind all the members of any class of shareholders.

6. Resolution passed by a company according consent to B.O.D for exercise of powers to sell , lease , or otherwise dispose of whole of the undertaking of a company , borrow money beyond the limit of the paid up capital and contribute to chartable or other funds exceeding rs 50000 or 5% of the average net profits in last 3 years which ever is greater

Resolution to be filed with registrar of the company

7. Resolution approving appointment of sole selling agent.8. Resolution for voluntary winding up of company
