How to build the right website for your law firm

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V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

LegaLLy BoLd.HoW To BUILd THe rIgHT WeBsITe for yoUr LaW fIrm

80% of yoUr poTenTIaL cLIenTs WILL searcH onLIne for a LaW fIrm.once THey Land on yoUr sITe yoU onLy Have 5 seconds To Impress.

are yoU confIdenT THaT yoUr WeBsITe Is


V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

Why is a Website so important?potential clients?How to make sure your legal website is attractive to

Web agencies fail

your website in 30 minutes5 steps to improve

the effectiveness of your competitors’ websites

advertising budget

to create a great website for a law firm?Why do most

b o n u s


research your competitors’ online

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

WHy Is a WeBsITe so ImporTanT?

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

THe 21sT cenTUry Is a dIgITaL age

80% of yoUr poTenTIaL cLIenTs WILL searcH forLegaL represenTaTIon on THe InTerneT.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

HoW many of THem WILL acTUaLLy conTacT yoU?

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

fIndIng THe rIgHT IngredIenTs To make THe perfecT LegaL WeBsITe Is noT easy

LeT’s examIne WHaT makes a LegaL WeBsITe a sUccess.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

a greaT WeBsITe

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

allows the user to locate contact

details and address

If a user cannot navigate your site and easily find what they are looking for in a few seconds, the chances are that they will leave your page and go to another website.

Gets your messaGe across

You have only 5 seconds to communicate who you are and what you do.A law firm’s website needs to inform potential clients the area of law it specializes in and it should do it as quickly as possible. This avoids wasting a user’s time and causing high bounce rates for your site.

promotes your team biographiesе

Legal clients prefer to work with personali-ties, not with faceless companies.

uses client testimonials

It’s not enough for a firm to say that they are experts and mar-ket leaders.

What matters is what people say.

produces analytical

The only real way to ensure that you’re in the clear is by hiring an editor or copywriter to either produce your content or give it the once over before it is published.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

THere are aLso some generaL rULes To make yoUr WeBsITe a sUccess.

mosT of THem are sTandard BUT noT aLL companIes seem To foLLoW THem.WHILe doIng oUr researcH, We oUTLIned THe maIn crITerIa.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

WHaT Is reaLLy ImporTanT WHen We are TaLkIng aBoUT

LaW company’s WeBsITe?

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

graB THeIr aTTenTIon


Does your website design clearly illustrate that your firm uses modern practices or is it falling well behind? Is your website design as good as your services?


great websites leave a strong mind-print.How about yours?

geTTIng read


How easy is it to find the bio for the partner your firm is known for?

content marketinG

Will your reader get bored? Would you read your own content if you were the client?

geTTIng InqUIrIes

conversion optimization

Do you use basic lead generation and conversion optimization practices, such as landing pages, calls to action, A/B testing?

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

THese prIncIpLes are WeLL-knoWn BUT rareLy Used even

By professIonaL WeB agencIes.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

WHy do mosT agencIes faIL To creaTe a good WeBsITe for a LaW fIrm?

many WeB sTUdIos Have no experIence WorkIng WITH LegaL WeBsITes.

THey Try To appLy a one sIze fITs aLL moULd To everyTHIng THey Work WITH.

THe LayoUT and markeTIng sTandards are dIfferenT for THe LegaL fIeLd.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

“WHaT sHoULd I do aBoUT IT?”

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

as promIsed, 5 sTeps To Improve yoUr WeBsITe In 30 mInUTes.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

1 Schedule a meeting with your sales manager, support manager and a secretary.

The secretary is important because they are the ones who talk to clients and it’s possible that they are more in touch with the day to day needs of your clients.

2 Working together, compose User Profiles. This document should contain. Descriptions of each group of client. List of information that they expect to see on a law firm’s web-site in the first place.

List of their preferences when selecting a law firm (the average customer criteria)

3 Take a look at the Homepage.

Check whether it has the information that your clients expect to see. The chances are it doesn’t.

Define your action plan and find someone to delegate it to.

It might be your marketing manager, experienced assistant or your web agency

4 Scroll down the page or make 3-4 clicks.

See whether your website clearly shows that your firm satisfies the “average customer criteria”.


V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

oUr specIaLIsTs condUcTed a researcH of 100 WeBsITes of THe LargesT LaW fIrms.

By THe TIme THe sLIdesHare presenTaTIon Was fInIsHed, 2 of THem Had cLosed. doesn’T IT prove THe ImporTance of HavIng a good WeBsITe?

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

To geT a copy of THe researcH reacH oUT To vInTage

you’ll Find out:

The strengths and flaws of your competitors

The business opportunities in online marketing for law firms.

How much your competitors spend on online advertising.

Compare your own website to the average website in the industry.

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WHo We are?

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site of The day * 2Honorable mention * 5

css desIgn aWards

site of The day * 4Honorable mention * 5

golden Hammer


Золотой Сайт


International design awards


mention * 2

vInTage Is one of THe Top-10 mosT aWarded WeB agencIes

In easTern eUrope.

V i n ta g eW e bP r o d u c t i o n

We aLready Have THe TrUsT

of sUcH companIes as

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and HoW aBoUT yoUrs?

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