Father's Custody Rights

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Father's Custody Rights

Kenny Leigh

• Father’s rights in regards to child custody can often be overlooked and even ignored

• There is much to be desired from fathers battling custody for a child

• Studies have shown that the proper father influence in a child is key to the child’s development

• There are many fathers out there that are currently battling for custody of their child and they deserve the same legal representation and treatment as anyone else

A Father’s Right to Custody

• Not only in Florida do the majority of custody cases get awarded to the mother, but it happens nationwide and is a huge problem that needs to be confronted

• There is a critical need for a child to have a relationship with their father and with current norms in place it is hard for a father and their child to spend any lengthy amount of time together if they do not win custody

• When verdicts are made in regards to the custody of the child during divorce cases there are many variables to keep in mind

• You will now see just some of the reasons why a father deserves custody of their child

• Children deserve a safe and stable home environment with a dependable figure around

• The child involved needs a supportive relationship where the child’s needs are of the utmost importance

• The head figure out the house needs to be active in the child’s school environment, friendships, as well as taking a personal interest in the child’s interests and dreams

• The child needs and deserves a financial supportive household

• Lastly the child will need a positive influence during their early development

Why a Child Needs a Father Figure

Kenny Leigh & Associates• There are countless

circumstances where the father of a child would make a better parental figure with custody

• Unfortunately these rights are often not given to the father however at Kenny Leigh & Associates, Kenny Leigh and his team of highly skilled attorneys are extremely devoted to representing men in family law cases

• Their goal is to correct any wrongs they can directly associated with child custody and a father’s rights
