VRP Business Plan


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Mission Statement• Vertical Realm Productions’ (VRP) mission is to

produce powerful works of art which entertain both on the physical and spiritual level.

• VRP’s aim is to create a catalogue of movies that stimulate our emotions, our minds and ultimately our inner voice. Fundamentally we strive to create movies that resonate with viewers on a spiritual level in a main stream way.

• It is our intention, through these movies, to shine a light on the madness of humanity, hold up a proverbial mirror to the audience allowing them to live vicariously through the characters whilst somewhere, also recognising that madness within themselves.

“A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom”. Robert Frost

The TeamBelle Fitzgerald- Writer, Producer, ActorShannon Fitzgerald- Writer, Producer, Director

Why The Name Vertical Realm? The name Vertical Realm stems from the abstract idea that life manifests in two realms:

• Horizontal Realm: Physical, everything has a beginning and an end.

• Vertical Realm: Spiritual, indefinable and infinite. The source of love, peace and creativity

To understand the name is to comprehend our ethos.

“With the realisation of ones own potential and self confidence in ones ability, one can build a better world”. Dalai Lama

Business Concept

• Our vision is to surround ourselves with creative people, who are enthusiastic about creating pieces of work with depth

• We are enthusiastic about promoting “unknown talent” and believe the difference between a “star” and “unknown talent” is opportunity.

• We believe that experience and education are very important for cast and crews however, not essential.

• We aim to create a strong group of cast and crew whom can work together time and again on various projects “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable

faith in their mission can alter the course of history”. Mohandas Gandi

Strategic Planning

• Our first film ‘Phoenix Rising’ will be made as a “Guerilla Film” on a micro budget using a profit share model for investors.

• The finished product will then be sent to film festivals worldwide to receive attention from distributors.

• Upon following the path Phoenix Rising takes using this model, we will then decide the best method of producing our next film.

• The entertainment industry is generally financially driven and while we recognise that money is important, if finance was the primary motivating factor of our product, we believe it would become insignificant in the vertical sense, and therefore perpetuate the madness it was created to expose.

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a stroke of genius, and a lot of courage to move in a different direction”. Albert Einstein

Strategic Planning (cont’)

• Our financial plan is fluid and will differ from movie to movie however, one fundamental element will be evident in all VRP films. That is, they will be affiliated with a story specific, charitable organisation and a percentage of profit will be donated to this charity.

If you are a charitable organisation and wish to express your interest in being If you are a charitable organisation and wish to express your interest in being associated with a suitable film please contact associated with a suitable film please contact Belle: admin@verticalrealmproductions.com

“Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love”. Mother Teresa

Current ProjectsVRP currently have five scripts in different stages of


• Phoenix Rising- Drama/Thriller, currently in pre production• End of Season- Comedy, 1st draft• Phoenix Rising II- Drama/Thriller, in development• Yet to be named- Drama, in development• Yet to be named- Action/science fiction, in development

(Unfortunately the budget for this one will be enormous, so this one is on ice for a couple of years)

We have many scripts in development that all vary in content however, all have the same underlying core values.

We work in a way that allows ideas to flow freely and naturally, aligning the vertical and horizontal realms, to create entertaining pieces with soul.

When we have a finished script all of our energy will be placed into producing that piece

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Risks & Rewards• Risks

– Crew and Actors- time commitment, Acute loss of income – Investors- Not recouping money

• Addressing risk– Minimising financial risk for outside investors by capping

individual investment– Phoenix Rising will start as micro budget production with profit

share and deferred payment strategy • Rewards

– Being apart of something different that promotes change– Recognition, credit and experience for future career ventures– Creation of a community of like minded, enthusiastic and

creative people – Momentum for future projects– The financial rewards for all concerned could be enormous under

the profit share strategy eg, Phoenix Rising is successful, earning $1,000,000 in profit. 1% Profit share will be worth $10,000

“There are only two mistakes one can make on the road to truth;Not going all the way, and not starting at all”. Buddha

Vertical Realm Productions is a progressive Vertical Realm Productions is a progressive business for real stories told by real business for real stories told by real

people. Investing in and working with VRP people. Investing in and working with VRP signifies a shift to the greater good. signifies a shift to the greater good.

After all what is society if not simply a After all what is society if not simply a collection of individuals, and it is us as collection of individuals, and it is us as

individuals, who can choose to change our individuals, who can choose to change our reality.reality.