Analysis of music video


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1. Analysis Of MusicVideo By Pavan 2. K Koke-Turn Back ft. Maverick Sabre 3. Genre Conventions. One genre convention I saw was groups of people standing together. In a typical rap music video we saw groups of gangsters standing together as a group showing that this is their territory.This was seen when k Koke and his clique was standing next to the car. Another genre convention is that it shows a clear sense of emotion.This in because in a rap music video the beats show clear emotions such as angry or sad.This is seen in the video as we see camera shots of an young girl selling drugs to make money and provide for her mother.This represents that the music video is portraying a sad atmosphere. Thirdly we see strong editing cuts to distinguish between concept and narrative.This is because we see k koke who is rapping and a female protagonist who is the main character In the narrative. 4. Music video theory conventions. One convention we see is the star image "which comes from Andrew Goodwins theory.We see k Koke being the star image as he has developed a sense of style in wearing black hats and jogging bottoms in all of his videos. Another convention is that we see the video as a narrative.This is because we see the artist rapping while it cross cuts to a story of a young girl selling drugs to try and make a living and provide for her mother who is unwell. Another convention we see is thought beats.This is seeing the sound and telling a story.Where the beats and vocals tell a story.This is seen in the video as when k Koke raps , its like hes telling a story and the video is used as a support.