Social media magazine photoshop screenshots


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When Photoshop is opened, the first thing to do is to find the word “File” at the top of the computer screen and when highlighted then click on “New”. A box will then appear. The Document Type must be International Paper, if the Document Type does not say International Paper but something else it can be changed by clicking a visible arrow facing downwards which then shows the different Document Types available. It is at this moment when you click on International Paper, when this is done click OK.

After clicking OK, this should appear on the computer screen.

To get the image that is going to be used as the magazine front cover for “Teen Rulez!” (Social Media) go to the top of the screen (shown in the previous slideshow) and find the word “File” and when highlighted then click on “Open”. After this find the image and open it. It should then should appear in a new tab in Photoshop.

To get the image onto the Social Media Magazine tab highlight the whole image from whichever corner using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (which can be seen highlighted) with the left side of the mouse. When this is done go to the top of the page, find the word “Edit” and when highlighted then click on “Copy”.

When back on the Social Media Magazine tab go to the top of the screen, find the word “Edit” and when highlighted click on “Paste”. After this the image copied should appear on the screen.

To make the image smaller without spreading it start by going to the top of the screen finding the word “Edit” and when highlighted click on “Free Transform”. After this the image would look like this. Make sure that the image layer (Layer 1) is highlighted.

The next step in making the image smaller without spreading it to move the image when highlighted after clicking “Free Transform” to the top left corner, when this is done hold and drag the bottom right corner of the image using the left side of the mouse and hold the “Shift” button on the keyboard to the bottom of the page. After this the image would look like this.

Click the “Enter” key to make the whole image visible and to confirm the changes to the image.

The next part of creating the magazine front cover for “Teen Rulez!” (Social Media) is creating the Masthead/Title for the magazine, in this case the Masthead/Title will be “Teen Rulez!”. Firstly, select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box where the Masthead/Title will be typed up.

Type the Masthead/Title in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour White, the font size is 80 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, since the background of the image I am using is also white it is hard to see the Masthead/Title so I will make the Masthead/Title have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience.

To get a Black outline for the Masthead/Title make sure the “Teen Rulez!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 30 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

To get the barcode that is going to be used at the bottom right hand side of the front cover go to the top of the screen and find the word “File” and when highlighted then click on “Open”. After this find the image of the barcode and open it. It should then should appear in a new tab in Photoshop.

To get the image of the barcode onto the Social Media Magazine tab highlight the whole image from whichever corner using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (which can be seen highlighted) with the left side of the mouse. When this is done go to the top of the page, find the word “Edit” and when highlighted then click on “Copy”.

When back on the Social Media Magazine tab go to the top of the screen, find the word “Edit” and when highlighted click on “Paste”. After this the image of the barcode should appear on the screen.

To make the image smaller without spreading it start by going to the top of the screen finding the word “Edit” and when highlighted click on “Free Transform”. After this the image would look like this. Make sure that the image layer (Layer 1) is highlighted.

The next step in making the image smaller without spreading it to move the image when highlighted after clicking “Free Transform” to the top left corner, when this is done hold and drag the bottom right corner of the image using the left side of the mouse and hold the “Shift” button on the keyboard to the bottom of the page. After this the image would look like this.

Click the “Enter” key to make the whole image of the barcode visible and to confirm the changes to the image.

The next part of creating the magazine front cover for “Teen Rulez!” (Social Media) is creating the Date and Price for the magazine, in this case the Date will be September 2017 and the Price will be £1.99. Firstly, for the Date select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box just above the Barcode.

Type the Date in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 12 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I wanted to improve the Date so it stands out for the target audience, to improve this I will make the Date have a Black outline.

To get a Black outline for the Date make sure the “September 2017” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The Price is also created by selecting the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box just above the Barcode and below the Date.

Type the Price in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 12 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I wanted to improve the Price so it stands out for the target audience, to improve this I will make the Price have a Black outline.

To get a Black outline for the Price make sure the “£1.99” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The next part of creating the magazine front cover for “Teen Rulez!” (Social Media) is creating the Main Coverline for the magazine, in this case the Main Coverline is “Aaliyah Mcgregor- The New Face Of YouTube!”. Firstly, start with the name of the person (Aaliyah Mcgregor) by selecting the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box near towards the bottom of the left side of the front cover.

Type part of the Main Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 60 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

The next part of creating the magazine front cover for “Teen Rulez!” (Social Media) is creating the Main Coverline for the magazine, in this case the Main Coverline is “Aaliyah Mcgregor-The New Face Of YouTube!”. Next, finish the Main Coverline with (The New Face Of YouTube!) by typing underneath the other part of the Main Coverline shown on the previous slideshow.

Type the rest of the Main Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen font is Eras Bold ITC. I will make the whole Main Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience.

To get a Black outline for the Main Coverline make sure the “Aaliyah Mcgregor- The New Face Of YouTube!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline White. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The finished Main Coverline.

The Coverlines are then created. The first Coverline created is “Smosh: The Movie 2- Padilla And Hecox Working On Movie Sequel!” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box near the Masthead/Title.

Type part of the first Coverline “Smosh: The Movie 2” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the first Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the first Coverline make sure the “Smosh: The Movie 2 Padilla And Hecox Working On Movie Sequel!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed first Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The second Coverline created is “Google+- Your Guide To Google+” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the first Coverline.

Type part of the second Coverline “Google+” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the second Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the second Coverline make sure the “Google+ Your Guide To Google+” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed second Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The third Coverline created is “MySpace- The Rise And Fall!” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the second Coverline.

Type part of the third Coverline “MySpace” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the third Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the third Coverline make sure the “MySpace The Rise And Fall!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed third Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The fourth Coverline created is “Social Media- Allowed In Education?” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the third Coverline.

Type part of the fourth Coverline “Social Media” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the fourth Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the fourth Coverline make sure the “Social Media Allowed In Education?” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed fourth Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The fifth Coverline created is “Mark Zuckerberg- Facebook Is Expanding!” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the fourth Coverline.

Type part of the fifth Coverline “Mark Zuckerberg” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the fifth Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the fifth Coverline make sure the “Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Is Expanding!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed fifth Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The sixth Coverline created is “Jacksepticeye Vs PewDiePie Vs Markiplier- Who Will Gamer Of The Year?” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box across from the first Coverline and underneath Masthead/Title.

Type part of the sixth Coverline “Jacksepticeye Vs PewDiePie Vs Markiplier” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the sixth Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the sixth Coverline make sure the “Jacksepticeye Vs PewDiePie Vs Markiplier Who Will Gamer Of The Year?” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed sixth Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The seventh Coverline created is “Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson- Most Instagram Followers!” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the sixth Coverline.

Type part of the seventh Coverline “Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the seventh Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the seventh Coverline make sure the “Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Most Instagram Followers!” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed seventh Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The eighth Coverline created is “Vine- Is It Coming Back?” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the seventh Coverline.

Type part of the eighth Coverline “Vine” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the eighth Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the eighth Coverline make sure the “Vine Is It Coming Back?” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed eighth Coverline which can be seen in the screenshot.

The ninth and final Coverline created is “Twitter- Safer Than Facebook?” To create the Coverline select the Horizontal Type Tool and click and drag a box underneath the eighth Coverline.

Type part of the ninth and final Coverline “Twitter” in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Red, the font size is 24 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC.

Type the remainder of the ninth and final Coverline in your chosen colour, choice of font and size of the font, in this case I am using the colour Purple, the font size is 18 pt and the chosen front is Eras Bold ITC. However, I will make the whole Coverline have a Black outline so it can be visible for the target audience as well as match with the Main Coverline and other Coverlines.

To get a Black outline for the ninth and final Coverline make sure the “Twitter Safer Than Facebook?” layer is highlighted and go to the top of the screen, find the word “Layer” find the words “Layer Style” and click either “Drop Shadow” or “Stroke”.

When “Stroke” is clicked change the position to “Outside”, this will be where the outline will be. I also changed the size of the outline from 1 px to 10 px and I make the colour of the outline Black. Once this is done click OK, the Layer Style box will then disappear and will be returned to the Social Media Magazine tab in Photoshop.

The completed ninth and final Coverline as well as the finished Social Media Magazine front cover which can be seen in the screenshot.