Net Neutrality


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Net Neutrality:All bytes are created equal

The internet has become a powerful tool to share and connect

The internet is now everywhere and has etched itself into our everyday


What is net neutrality though?

With net neutrality you’re free to access all websites and web services. Everything on the internet is treated equally and freely

A bit of perspective on how much we share

Why should you care about net neutrality?

Your internet service provider (ISP) can make it so you can only see contents from

companies who pay

Your entire internet experience will be based on what your ISP feels like giving you

January 14th , 2014 the United States court of appeal kills net neutrality

The U.S. Federal Communication Commission's 2010 order that imposed network neutrality

regulations has recently been put down

Why does American net neutrality effect us?

Net neutrality has already been a highly debated topic in Canada, with the U.S. so

closely related to us, our internet freedom could be next.

Our views and opinions should not be based off of someone else’s

2005, Telus communications blocked access to anything labour union related during an employee strike

Should we not have the right to decide how we use the internet?

These companies currently have absolute authority on what you can and cannot see on the internet

To put it in perspective, imagine paying Rogers an extra 10 dollars a month to go on any social media

With the lack of competition, if an ISP were to violate our net neutrality, many of us would be completely helpless

Net neutrality is our right and should not be exploited for profits
