Mobile == Web, As presented at FOSDEM 2015


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Web == MobileStormy Peters

@stormingFOSDEM 2015

The long term future of mobile is the web, not

closed app stores.

What the world needs from you:

Free & Open “Apps”

My Hats

Free software background

Art work by Máirín Duffy


People need to be in control

Firefox OS Phone

What about you?

Software developers

Web developers

Have developed an app?

People & MobileWhat do they need?

People need to do things

Photo by northpolemama

Your phone determines what you do

Photo by Tsahi Levent-Levi

Fight for users based on content

What if your browser determined what you could see?


App stores control developers

Photo by Dan Ox

Take a chunk of your money

Photo by Shaun Wong

Reserve the right to entry

Make them pay to be found

Lottery ticket mentality

Can the web do better?

Web is full of apps: “free beer” apps

Put people in control

Photo by shad0w210

Next Billion People ...

The response is often: “What’s the Internet?”

“Then what do you use you phone for?” we then ask.

The most common response: “Oh, I just use Facebook and WhatsApp!

Mark Surman:

On the Web, everyone can create & publish

Can the world access web?

Design with constraints

Limitations create elegance

SMS apps

Mobile should be open & accessible

We need Web apps: they are accessible &


Web is on all devicesPhoto in Yahoo! Search:

Webapi’s are pretty awesome

We need more people creating more

open web apps so that people can be free from

app stores.

We need to continue to work on open mobile


We need to have more mobile conversations at


The long term future of mobile is the web, not

closed app stores.

Stormy Peters@storming

Mobile == Web