Guide to compile your own 4.3.4 cataclysm server


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Guide: Compile your own 4.3.4 Cataclysm Server

How to Compile 4.3.4 Cataclysm Server / How to compile 4.3.4


Programs needed

• GitExstensions• Visual C++ 2008• CMakel• OpenSSL• Jeuties Portable MYSQL 5.5.9• HeidiSQL

Downloads for maps,vmaps,dbc,mmaps and their download linksDBCMapsMMapsVmaps

Start off with downloading these 3 files4.3.4 Branch select 4.3.4 as BRANCH and download the ZIP File.4.3.4 DB4.3.4 DB Updates

I. Installing

Create a new folder on your C:\ name it Trinity or just extract the TrinityCore-4.3.4 to the C:\Drop in the other files that we downloaded to TrinityCore-4.3.4 or your new created map.Open up CMake and take the folder path from TrinityCore-4.3.4 and paste it into Source code. At Binaries make a new folder called Build

This is how it should look like

After you've done this hit Configure and select Visual Studio 10 or Visual Studio 9 2008 and hit "Finish"

This is how it should look if done correctly

Press "Generate" and after that go into your Build folder and open up TrinityCore

Once the program is open select it to "Release" and right click on Solution 'TrinityCore' and do "Clean Solution" then press F7and let it compile it.

After this open upp the OpenSSL folder and copy the .dll files into the "Release" folder


Now would also be the time to put in the _Server folder that you got from Jeuties portable MYSQL and also the DBC,Maps,MMaps and VMaps folders.(remember to rename authserver.conf.dist/worldserver.conf.dist to worldserver.conf and authserver.conf

Open up Authserver and Worldserver and rename the databaseinfo

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth > LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;authLoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth > LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;authWorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world > WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;worldCharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters > CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters

Now it's time to open up Hedisql and create our three databases "Auth" "Characters" and "World" do this by logging in with this infoIP:Localhost / Username: Root / Password: Ascent / Port: 3306

Right Click on Unnamed (unless you change the name for your DB) and pick "Create New" and select


Now it's time to execute the databases with SQLs that contains neccessary files that will make the server run.Click on one Database such as "Auth" press CTRL+O and locate the sql folder inside your trinitycore "Pathway: C:\TrinityCore-4.3.4\sql\base" and execute each SQL for each database.

Execute the "TDB_full_434.05_2013_07_17.sql" for your world database.

After you have executed the SQLs its time to start the worldserver.exe and authserver.exe wait for to load and change your realmlist to

Congratulations you now got your own 4.3.4 server.