Are You Treating Your Emails As Shed or Mansions?


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Are Your Emails Sheds Or Mansions? – The 6 Steps to Find Out

Are you treating your emails like a shed by throwing everything and anything in, and

not maintaining them?

Or are you treating them like a mansion

whereby you put maximum effort into

maintaining them and always give them the

love they need?

You may think whipping up an email that will sell is easy –

but it’s not; it needs to be crafted with love

and skill.

So, here are a few bite-size ways to increase your

email effectiveness.


Give your readers an incentive to want to sign up

to your brand.

Give them something for free; an e-book, a

whitepaper, a free trail, a discount.

Content, content, content:

Your email copy needs to be impeccable! Content is king, and that will never

change.Throughout your emails you need to

create a positive loop that will keep your readers constantly wanting more and


Don’t drift!It is important to keep your message

focused on exactly what you are aiming for.

Just press it! Make sure to focus on your call to actions and use compelling words that will attract your reader to WANT what you have to offer.

Test it, and again, and again… . It’s all in the testing to see what works well for you and your prospective customer!.

Track, track and track!It is vital to check the open rates,

unsubscribers, and clicks and conversions of your emails to see what

needs changing and what is working wonders!

Email marketing is extremely powerful if used carefully, correctly and wisely.

It can ignite an important relationship between your brand and your customer that could blossom into a long-lasting one.

NEVER underestimate

the power of email!

+357 25 33 77 80

Office 203, VashiotisBusiness Center, Ag. Andreou& E. VenizelouSt, 3035 Limassol, Cyprus

For your FREE email marketing consultation contact us today!