Why you do not get the desired result from your workout


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Why You Do Not Get the Desired Result from Your Workout

You work hard at the gym and eat the right foods that work. However, the

result you get is not satisfactory. If you are wondering that you are not

sweating as much as you should, you are absolutely wrong. Here some

reasons why you do not get the result as you want despite your hard work.

Not exercising the right way

It is very important to do exercise in the proper

way to get the best result. Most do follow the

right way for getting more repetition or being

able to work with greater resistance. This leads

to poor result, because instead working target

muscles, you are working other muscles. In

upright words, it is a waste of time and cheating

yourself. Look at This Weight Loss Workout

Program to see how most people do not get the

desired result.

Letting gravity do half of your work

When you are lifting a weight (e.g. biceps curl with a dumbbell), or working

against gravity (standing up from a squat), your muscles got to work. But to

get an efficient work out you must use your muscles during the lowering

down phase also, by controlling the speed.

Not doing adequate workout

If your workout seems to be easy to you, this means your plan is not

adequate and right. You are doing the same routine and your body has

become adapted to that routine. To make your exercise program more

effective, you need to include exercises that produce tolerable level of

fatigue when you finish them.

Doing too much exercises

Like insufficient workout, overloading body is also not the right way to get

the desired result. The body needs to recover from previous workouts and so

it is very important to make smooth transaction, which is tolerable to the

body. Do not be in hurry. It will bring your nothing but injury to your body.

Not having a healthy life style

Life style has a great impact on health and fitness. For a good fitness, you

should have a healthy lifestyle. Unhealthy life style like eating junk, high

calories foods, haphazard sleep cycle, smoking, and alcohol negate the gain

of your workout.

Not feeling excited and motivate

When one says,” I enjoy my workout”, it may sound funny to you. But in

fact, it is very important to enjoy your workout, if you want to get the

desired result. The bodily changes of exercise are largely dependent upon

the neuro-hormonal factors which are directly related with your mood. If

you do not enjoy exercising, you need to make some changes to your

workout routine. If these are not reasons of not getting desired from your

workout, best workout programs for women will, for sure, help you get the

best from exercise.
