Type 1 and type 2 diabetes which is more dangerous


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Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes which is more dangerous


Diabetes is the word commonly heard everywhere. It is a disease caused to all irrespective of age and gender.

We all knew how danger this disease is and how our beloved ones are facing day-by-day problems with this disease.

So, here let’s discuss on this serious issue today with detailed information on diabetes and others like type 1 and type 2 diabetes which is more dangerous? Let’s start from the roots.

What is diabetes?

According to the best diabetic doctor in Hyderabad, Diabetes is caused due to the raise in glucose or sugar levels in the body than normal.

It is a complex problem which needs everyday care. A diabetic person should be in medication always.

If it is ignored, it may impact on healthy life and can also reduce the longevity.

Types of Diabetes

There are 3 types of diabetes depending upon the complexity of the disease.

Type 1 Diabetics: This type causes when auto-immune system stimulates to shatter the cells of pancreas. Pancreas produces insulin to the body and diabetes occurs when auto-immune system damages cells. Among 10% of diabetes effected people are children who are affected by chronic disorder and it also seen most commonly in young age people. Type1 diabetics affected people undergo insulin intake every day to survive their life

Type 2 Diabetics: This type diabetes is caused generally in middle-age people. This

happens due to not enough produce of insulin in the pancreas of the body and effects the insulin production. This can be controlled through medication and there is no need of insulin. It is commonly caused diabetes to most of the people. Many studies proved that there would be more impact from family history or family background of diabetic effected persons. Type 2 diabetes is the answer for the frequent question which diabetes requires insulin shots? Which is asked by many.

Gestational Diabetics:

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is occurred specially in pregnant ladies and cures itself ones the baby is born.

Below10% women are affected with GDM and are diagnosed. It is detected between 24-28th week of the pregnancy period.

Which diabetes is more dangerous?

Is type 1 diabetes worse than type 2? We are confused with this question all the time.

But any diabetes which last for long term is dangerous to one’s life and both have same risk levels.

It may effect on the longevity of the person. As both Type 1 and Type 2 are equally toxic it is difficult to say which is more dangerous as these both involve in damaging of eyes, kidneys, nerve system, brain and sometimes leads to severe heart disorders.

Myths and Facts about Diabetes which are told by the best diabetic doctor in Hyderabad


Diabetes is not a dangerous disease. All types of diabetes are same and have the same treatment. Diabetes can be cured for life time. People diagnosed with diabetes cannot play sports. Only type-1 diabetes needs insulin.


Diabetes is a dangerous disease which does not have a permanent treatment. It can only controlled by medication and proper diet.

All diabetes types are not similar, they have their own way of treatment and medication and the causes to develop diabetes are different from each other.

Diabetes can be controlled and cannot be cured permanently. It can be controlled by following proper medication, diet food and extra health care.

A person diagnosed with diabetes can play various sports and many sports persons are affected with either types of the diabetes.

Signs that diabetes is killing you

Lack of energy in the body Continuous thirst than usual Abrupt weight loss Obesity Urination Frequently Decrease in Vision Would healing capacity decreases Gum disorder More hunger Numbness in the hands and feet

Risk Factors of Diabetes

Cardiovascular disorders Dermatological diseases Ear disorders Retinopathy Nephropathy Neuropathy

The diabetes specialist doctor in Hyderabad will surely inform the effects on body due to diabetes includes the


Heart Disorders No proper Blood vessels Functionality Eyes Blurriness Gums and Teeth weakness Nerves Damage Kidneys Problems Hearing Defects Skin Diseases

Tips to control diabetes

Balance fats: Balance your fats in the meals. Add low fat foods in your diet. Follow proper diet with good meals added with fresh food.

Control Insulin

Increase omega-3 fatty acids

Up vitamin levels

Quality sleep

Exercises which helps in controlling diabetes



These asanas will control glucose blood levels, improves metabolic activities, improves pancreas and liver functionality, increases insulin production, calms mind and has other benefits.

Upavishta Bakasana - sitting crane Bakasana - standing crane Dhanurasana – Bow Pose Kapalbhatti – Breathing Exercises mandukasan – Frog pose Ardha chakrasana – Standing backward bend

Weight Loss


Reduce Stress

Foods to consume

Vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, tomatoes are good for diabetics.

Fruits: Fruits like orange, melons, berries, apples, bananas, grapes are good for health and control the diet and helps in improving diabetes.

Raw food: Eat raw foods like carrot, radish, corn, sprouts, nuts, etc. will increase the vitamins and controls diabetes.

Diet: Follow proper diet which includes fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, soups, juices, etc. Intake of the meals in limit is preferred.

Okra: Okra contains polyphenolic molecules which help in improvement of diabetes.

Guava: It contains high fiber and vitamin c. It helps in the control of sugar levels.

Flax seeds: It will absorb the sugar and carbohydrates from blood.

How to use: Take a table spoon of flax seeds powder and add it in warm water or

milk and drink twice a day.

Curry Leaves: Curry leaves contain anti-diabetic properties.

How to use: Chew 5-6 curry leaves every day or add 1 table spoon of dried powdered leaves in your meals.

Basil leaves: It has special powers to lower sugar levels. It helps in decreasing the oxidants stress level.

How to use:Eat 4-5 basil leaves every day to control


Green tea: It is unfermented and contains high polyphenol content which treats diabetes and increases insulin.

How to use: Drink green tea twice a day without added sugar.

Cinnamon water: This water will helps in removing waste toxics from the body and helps in proper functioning of the pancreas.

Drumsticks leaves: It helps in breakdown of food and controls the sugar levels.

Bitter melon: It contains insulin-polypeptide-P, a bio-chemicals which reduces blood sugar.

Berries: Seeds present in it stops reformation of sugar from starch.

Juices: Consume juices like aloe vera, bottle guard, radish, green leafy vegetable juice, potato juice, orange juice, etc. will help in control of blood sugar levels.

Herbs that control the signs that diabetes is killing you

Aloe Vera: Make aloe Vera juice and drink twice a day. This helps in control of cholesterol.

Ginger: Planta Medica, one of the leading international journals in the field of medicinal plants and natural products, published a report in August 2012 says that it improves blood sugar levels and treats type 2 diabetes.

Turmeric: Turmeric is a magical herb. It prevents pancreas from damage. Add more turmeric in your daily foods.

Garlic: It has anti-oxidants which lowers the blood sugar levels within the body.

Cactus: Prickly pear cactus used to control glucose levels in the blood. Scientists are working on this cactus to make it as medication to treat diabetes. Hope to see positive results soon.

Protein Rich Food: Add these protein rich foods in your diet. Do not over eat any of these foods as they will effects diabetes.

Meat Chicken Fish Eggs Nuts and peanuts

Dairy products: Eat dairy products with either Non-fat or low fat. These products will increase energy, vitamins and stamina to keep insulin levels in normal.

Grains: Grains will control the diet and keep them in neutral. Choose multi-grain food items. The examples of grains are bread, pasta, cereal, etc. These grains are very good for early breakfasts.

Things to avoid by the diabetic person with no question of is type 1 diabetes worse than type 2?

Alcohol: Limit consumption of alcohol. Excess alcohol drinking will increase the cholesterol and glucose levels in the body.

Smoking: Quit smoking, as it will damage many internal organs due to the excess level of toxics present in the tobacco.

Limit sweets: Stop eating sweets as they contain high amount of sugar and are high in calories. Eat sweets occasionally. Many will adopt for sugar free sweets, but it will be better if those are also avoided.

Stop oily food: Oily foods such as deep fries of veggies, non-vegetarian food items, food with heavy masalas should be avoided as they increase the amount of calories and fat in the body which interrupts the blood flow and causes diabetes.

Stop processed or outside food: These foods are not fresh and contains very bad amount of bad calories, fats and other substances which harms our body when eat regularly. We can eat these occasionally.

Salt: avoid salt content food and also decrease the salt in your meals. High amount of Sodium will gradually increase blood pressure and leads to diabetes because of no smooth blood flow.

Diet plans for Diabetes

Plate should contain at least a fruit A juice either veggie or fruit or leafy veggie should

be added A cup of Whole grains foods Half boiled or steam cooked vegetables a cup A cup of leafy vegetable dish Meat, chicken, fish in limited quantity with less oil Plate should not include low sat, no added sugar, not

saturated food or fried food.

Breakfast: Start your day with dairy products like milk, a boiled egg, whole grains bread or oatmeals, a glass of fresh juice, sprouts with no salt.

Lunch: Lunch should contains fish or chicken or others, a cup of grains, a cup of cooked dishes, a glass juice and salads, veggie soups. Calculate calories and eat accordingly.

Between Snacks: Between snacks can contain fruits, nuts, seeds, juice.

Dinner: Dinner should be very lite end up eating salads, soups, fruits and boiled veggies with a juice. Do not prefer rice or other grains at night times.

Quick Tips to concentrate on

Regular or monthly checkups Follow proper diet Avoid sweets and other high fats, calories food Reduce consumption of alcohol Quit smoking Stop consuming preserved food and other outside

food Drink plenty of water Get enough sleep

To be successfully treated with diabetes of any form, primarily, one should know the condition of the diabetes and start working on regular exercises, diet food, organic food, medication and change their living habits. We hope you got all the answers for the questions like type 1 and type 2 diabetes which is more dangerous?

Be Diabetic Free! Stay Healthy! Get treated well! Love your Life!

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