Ty Danco - Creating Effective Business Partnerships to Accelerate Innovation


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“Like X for Y”

HealthTech and IT

Ty Danco



Investors Think in Categories

Need to provide a mental model to make

sense of any new startup

“Good artists copy—great artists steal.”

Models for HealthIT

Investors Think in Categories

Need to provide a mental model to make

sense of any new startup

“Good artists copy—great artists steal.”


IT Equivalent: AirBnB; Uber

HIT Examples: ZocDoc; Careport Health

Services: Matchmaking; Scheduling; Billing

Business Model: Percentage of Sales

Key Factors: Vetting/”QC”; Access; Speed


IT Equivalent: LinkedIn; Facebook

HIT Examples: Doximity; Figure1,


Services: Facilitating Connections

Business Model: Ads; LeadGen

Key Factors: Scale; Membership


IT Equivalent: Google; AppStore; Shazam

HIT Examples: MayoClinic; Dr. Koop;


Services: Answers/Diagnostics

Business Model: Targeted Ads; LeadGen

Key Factors: Accuracy; Speed


IT Equivalent: Mint

HIT Examples: EPIC (RIP: GoogleHealth,

MS HealthVault)

Services: Connecting to APIs; Data


Business Model: Subscription

Key Factors: Access; UI; Connectedness;

Cloud Computing

IT Equivalent: Amazon AWS; Palantir

HIT Examples: Drug Discovery IT

Services: Big Data

Business Model: Subscription

Key Factors: Quality of Data; Algorithms;

ML; Robustness


IT Equivalent: Medium; Twitter; Facebook;


HIT Examples: Public Library of Science;

PLoS Medicine

Services: Amplification of Message

Business Model: Two-Sided Market?? Ads

Key Factors: Info wants to be free

Quantified Self

IT Equivalent: Runkeeper; Fitbit; Withings

HIT Examples: 23&Me; Ginger.io

Services: Data capture

Business Model: Razor or Blades?

Key Factors: Passivity; Value of Data

Takeaways Investors seek to categorize; they see 1000s of

pitchers a year

“Pattern Recognition” is the fallback for most investors

Lessons learned: Business model must be appropriate for use case

Must be scalable

Must be 10x better than alternatives in some way

Great artists steal—look for solutions across verticals

Focus on solving the problem, not inventing a new business model
