Top 10 Deadly Disease Caused By Smoking


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Lung Cancer

Smoking takes your breath away and quite literally. Chain smokers are excessively prone to lung cancer which is one of the most harmful diseases caused by

smoking. People with years of smoking history have high chances of getting affected by lung cancer. A more

gruesome fact is that the probability of living at least five years after diagnosed with lung cancer is just a fraction.


-Constant Coughing

-Change in Breathing Patterns

-Chest Pain-Excessive Weight

Loss-Bone Pain

Extensive smoking for a long time causes impotency. Even a lightest cigarette contains a good amount of nicotine which us

the master-reason for fertility loss in both men and women. Various medical experts worldwide have attested this fact.

Impotence might not act as life-threatening and one of the most harmful diseases caused by Smoking. However, it can be a

great cause for mental frustration in the long run.


-Changes in hair growth-Changes in

sexual desire-Acne

-Weight Gain-Irregular

sexual drives



One of the worst diseases caused by smoking, COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease destroys your respiratory system. It

leads to a prolonged disability and early death. With COPD, your energy is drained, face disability to accomplish strenuous task like

climbing stairs or even brisk walking. Around 80% of COPD cases are a result of smoking.


-Short breathing-Tight Chest-Wheezing

-Chronic Cough-Excessive Weight


Heart Disease


-Discomfort, Pressure, heaviness, chest pain-Indigestion, choking

feeling-Nausea, dizziness-Weakness, anxiety

-Irregular heartbeats

Smoking actually hampers almost every organ in your body system and heart is not an exception. It creates blockages and narrows your arteries that decrease the level of blood and oxygen in your heart. Breath is life and smoking is death. Heart disease proves to be one

of the most dangerous diseases caused by Smoking.



-Difficulty in Walking

-Balance disorder-Muscle weakness

or numbness-Difficulty in swallowing-Headache

The list of diseases caused by smoking includes Stroke which is deadly. Regular smoking adversely affects the functioning of your arteries

ultimately instigating a stroke. The blood flow towards your brains is momentarily stopped leading a stroke. Your brain cells receive less

oxygen and eventually die. A major stroke culminates in paralysis, unclear speech, modified brain functioning and in major cases causes death. It is

one of the leading and worst diseases caused by Smoking.


A chronic lung disease, Asthma makes it difficult to breathe in and out. In short, your breathing is completely hampered. Cigarette smoke blocks air passages and triggers abrupt and major asthma attacks

thus, positioning it in the list of top 10 diseases caused by Smoking. A lot of other reasons are also responsible for asthma like unhygienic surroundings or lack of proper exercise but smoking worsens the



-Coughing at night

-Wheezing-Short of breath

-Chest tightness

-Body pain or pressure


-Excessive thirst

-Increased urination

-Excessive hunger

-Fatigue and improper

vision-Regular sores

and cuts

Are you fond of sweets? Well, too much smoking might take it away from you. The possibility of having diabetes is approximately 30-40%

higher for people who smoke on a daily basis. Also, the conditions become severe if you still continue with smoking even after having diagnosed with smoking. There is major risk of other complications

like heart or kidney disease, improper blood flow, blindness and nerve damage making diabetes a part of list of diseases caused by


Reproductive Effects in Women


-Nausea and Vomiting

-Lower abdominal pain

-Dizziness and weakness

-Frequent fainting-Pain in your

shoulder and neck

Recurrent smoking poses risk of ectopic pregnancy in women where a fertilized egg is implanted somewhere other than the uterus. The situation becomes life-threatening is left untreated. Smoking also

causes reproductive impotency among women which possibly deprives them of their motherhood.



– Dizziness– Headaches– Nosebleeds– Excessive sweating

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a long term health disorder wherein the blood pressure in the arteries shoots up abruptly. Smoking can be one of the major causes of blood pressure which can also lead to other severe complications like heart attacks, paralysis, vision loss

and kidney diseases.

Chronic Bronchitis

Cigarette smoking is a major cause chronic bronchitis which can prove to be fatal in the long run. The disease leads to excessive

secretion of mucus into the tubes culminating in swelling of tissues that block the bronchial tubes. The patient suffers from major

coughing each day with continuous production of sputum thus, making it one of the worst diseases caused by smoking.


– Phlegm– Anxiety

– Bulging chest– Depression

– Fast heart rate

So, quit smoking and stay healthy!!!!

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