Tips on How to Take Care of Newborn Baby


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• Master the basics – Ensure that your baby is getting plenty of rest .

• Always place your baby on his back when going to sleep.

• Alternate the position of your baby’s head to eliminate the ‘soft


• Wash or sanitize your hands before you handle your baby to avoid


• Support your baby’s head and neck while holding him upright

• Learn to swaddle your baby as this helps him feel secure for the first

two months.

• Use clean and cotton material baby clothing and ensure you wash it

with disinfectant every day .

• Initially, it is enough to bathe your

baby twice a week.

• You can give a sponge bath with warm

water and towel on the other days, especially if it is winter season.

• You can use a standard baby soap and shampoo to bathe .

• Before you begin the bathing, assemble all necessary things

like tub, soft towels, cotton wool, clean clothes, clean nappy

and water that is body temperature.

• You must remember that babies can get slippery after you

apply soap. It is recommended to use a bathtub to avoid

accidental slipping.

• This is one art that needs to be

mastered by every mom.

• Always use diapers made of

cotton materials and avoid


• Always maintain hygiene when dealing with new born babies

and diapers.

• Keep your baby as dry and comfortable as possible when using

diapers .

• Change diapers regularly after each soiling

• Ensure you pack all necessity things of the baby including

diapers, clothes, towels, soft tissues, soaps, shampoo, etc.

• Pre-feed your baby if you are flying for a long duration

• Fill out an emergency sheet with all health information of

your baby and save it in your smartphone in case of any


• Book the best seats possible during flights and take rooms

that offer ample space

• Carry a hat and sweaters to

protect your child from sun and

extreme cold weathers.

With the right care of new born baby, you will find this

experience truly rewarding and you will love spending quality

time with your baby, no matter what you two do together!