The perfect ion foot cleanser for removing toxins from your body


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The Perfect Ion Foot Cleanser for Removing Toxins from Your Body

Today’s environment is highly toxic. One is not required to be near factories that belch smoke in order to be exposed to dangerous toxins; toxins proliferate the confines of our homes. Ordinary items that seem harmless—such as the synthetic sofa in your living room, an infant’s baby bottle, or your anti-bacterial soap or toothpaste—may contain chemicals now known to be toxic. For example, anti-bacterial soap meant to shield us from germs and toothpaste meant to keep our teeth clean and free from bacteria may contain triclosan, a suspected hormone disruptor. While baby bottles are now free of the hormone disruptor BPA, the jury is still out on whether this really makes them safe. Flame retardants, another class of hormone disruptor, are found in most furniture as well as toys, carpets and certain electronics. Cleaning supplies and garden pesticides are other sources of toxic synthetic chemicals. Therefore, there is a need to rid the body of these harmful toxins. The ion foot cleanse is a unique method of detoxifying the body. This therapy uses an ion machine.

Ion Machine

Detoxification is recommended to reduce the body’s toxic load from synthetic chemicals found in the environment. Ionic theory recommends the use of the ion machine to provide the necessary detoxification. The ion foot cleanse system carries out detoxification using the principle of electrolysis of water. Positive and negative ions from the electrolysis create an ion field that helps the body neutralize and release toxins stored as charged particles in the body.

The IonCleanse® ion foot cleanse system is the top selling footbath since its introduction in 2002. This ion machine is made in the USA and has a patented dual polarity feature to provide sessions that are safe and uniquely effective. The IonCleanse® ion machine has passed all government safety tests for its application. Almost everyone can benefit from an ionic detox; in addition to the benefits that come from releasing toxins, the therapy also creates relaxation, a sense of well-being, and often improves sleep. The IonCleanse® package comes complete with all accessories needed to begin sessions immediately and is supported by full-time customer support services.

Ion Foot Cleanse
