Systematic literature reviews - Moving offline communities online


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Moving offline communities online

Dr. Jenine Beekhuyzen Vice Chancellors’ Research Fellow University of Southern Queensland

Brisbane, Australia

Context• Enable health equity in line with the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion (WHO)

and the social determinants of health

• Focused on place-based health promotion initiatives in culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD) low-socio economic communities (Logan/Beaudesert)

• Wilson and Peterson’s (2002) extensive review

• identified a missing link between the historically constituted sociocultural practices within and outside of mediated communication and the language practices, social interactions, and ideologies of technology that emerge from new information and communication technologies

• ——> To situate current practices, we compare with previously existing media and communication technologies e.g. how social practices were conducted before the advent of digital technologies

SLR• Systematic Literature Review - scoping review

• RQ “What are the key concepts and conditions for successfully moving an offline community online?”

• 16 studies in literature between 1986-2013

• Offline - non-mediated via computer networks

• Virtual - purely online / no offline contact

• Multiplex - interact across offline and online

Three main themes for designing multiplex communities

• Characteristics of communities in online and offline settings

• Issues in moving offline communities online

• Designing online communities to match community needs

Aim of review: Identify existing evidence to guide the development of an online platform to support

complex offline health promotion activities

Main Findings (1)• Characterisation of communities (McMillan & Chavis


• Strong membership base

• Sustained through loyalty and commitment to community. Loyalty is linked to influence by peers to regularly participate and contribute

• Members’ perceived usefulness and sense of belonging = shared emotional connection strengthened through ongoing, shared experiences

Main Findings (2)• Multiplex communities can produce significant


• Strong and sustained community ties and attachment

• Enhanced engagement in online settings

• Shared governance extending across offline / online

• Enhanced social presence within online engagements

Main Findings (3)• Two main limitations of multiplex communities

• Those already well educated and connected offline will be more inclined to connect online in sustained ways than those less well educated, less extroverted and who experience social isolation

• Groups of participants who do not connect online can separate from the main group and re-form as sub-communities in offline settings which may weaken the value of the online setting

Lessons leant (1)• Design strategies that appease non-experts and that

encourage multiplex relationships can help improve the success of online communities

• Existing health promotion initiatives can benefit from online platforms that promote community building and knowledge sharing

• Online e-health promotion settings and communities can successfully integrate with existing offline settings and communities to form ‘multiplex’ communities operating fluent across both offline and online settings

Lessons leant (2)• Multiplex communities can result in positive improvements in

health and the social determinants of health include:

• Integrated and holistic approaches

• Interventions that are fully implemented without premature discontinuation

• Use of community engagement, participation and ownership

• Focus on long term and sustainable benefits

• Must continually to facilitate social interactions among members, creating loyalty and commitment

ContactDr. Jenine Beekhuyzen
