School Presentation On Healthy Living


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By: The 4th Year Students KNN College and School Of Nursing

Yelahanka, Bangalore

We all want to enjoy ourselves by having fun and playing with our family and friends always.

And we all hate it when we fall sick and are unable to play and have as much fun as we want


How Can I Live Healthy? In order to always have as much fun as we want and not

to fall ill, we need to take good care of our health by:1. Preventing Infections,such as through proper Hand washing2. Eating healthy foods,

3. Making good lifestyle choices and

4. Having good and proper rest

1. Preventing Infections HAND WASHING Hand washing is one of the most important

ways of controlling the spread of infections, especially those that cause diarrhea and

vomiting, and respiratory disease. The recommended method is the use of

liquid soap, warm water and paper towels. Always wash hands after using the toilet,

before and after eating or handling foods, animals etc.

Steps of Hand Washing

To stay healthy you need to eat a variety of balanced foods.2. Eating Healthy

a. Fitness There's no scarcity of activities that are available

to you and everyone can find some form of exercise that they enjoy.

If you can get yourself interested in an activity like this when you’re young, exercise and fitness are more likely to become a habit that lasts for many decades

These exercises may be physical or intellectualE.g.: Jogging, Talking the Dog on a walk, taking part in

sports, etc

3. Making Good Lifestyle Choices

b. Making the right choice not to be part of any anti-social habit such as Smoking, Drinking of alcohol, taking of unprescribed drugs

Sleep is just as important to your development and well-being as nutrition and physical activity.

The amount and quality of sleep we have can affect our safety, how alert we are, as well as our memories, moods, behavior, and learning abilities.

Establishing good sleep practices while you are young will not only benefit you now, but it will also help you for many years to come.

4. Good and Proper Rest

How Much Sleep Should I Have?

Thank You
