Project 2 med term



nervous system

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Ataxia- without muscle coordination

Ataxia can affect movement, speech, eye movement and swallowing. Ataxia usually results from damage to your cerebellum, which is the part of the brain the controls muscle coordination.

Treatments of ataxia may be using a walker or a cane, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy may help.

Cerebellar ataxia- this term is a set of symptoms rather than a disease or a diagnosis. Ataxia refers to lack of muscle coordination and cerebellar is the location in the brain called the cerebellum.

There are a wide variety of diseases, disorders, and conditions that can cause cerebellar ataxia. Infectious diseases, inherited or genetic conditions, certain medications, and the list goes on.

Treatment of cerebellar ataxia syndrome depends on the underlying disease, disorder or condition.

Paresis- weakness1.partial inability to move: muscular weakness or partial inability to move caused by disease of the nervous system found on Bing dictionary.

Monoparesis- Muscle weakness in one limb.Can consist of either one leg or one arm.

Paraperesis- muscle weakness in both legs.

Some possible causes for Paraperesis are concussion, spinal cord injury, trauma, and dorsal spine cord fracture dislocation.

Hemiparesis- muscle weakness in one arm or one leg on either side of the body.

Some possible causes for hemiparesis are stroke, head injury, brain disorder, and cerebral palsy.

Tetraparesis/Quadriparesis- weakness in all four limbs.Patients can experience varying levels in function in their limbs and this depends on the type of injury.

A neurologist can do a detailed examination to find out where the problem originates, by determining which nerves are affected.

Cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy are both linked to tetraparesis.