Patient Access POS Collections Training Section 1


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1. Patient Access Point-of-Service Collections Training Section 1: Introduction to Health Insurance 2. Patients and Hospital Costs What do I need to understand about hospital patients? What do I need to know about hospital costs? What do I need to know about health insurance? 3. Patients, Care, and Costs Thousands of patients every day Patients are nervous They need competence and compassion Health care costs are very high You need to understand insurance to be competent 4. Health Insurance Overview What is health insurance? Over seventy percent of patients covered Offsets the cost of medical care Uses specific terminology Comes in various types 5. Medicare A Federal program for aged and disabled Covers hospital inpatient services under Part A Free at age 65 or disability determination Deductible only Covers physician and outpatient service costs under Part B Optional coverage Deductible and coinsurance Beneficiary name Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) Coverage type 6. Medicaid A Federal program Administered at state government level Health insurance for indigent persons Free to recipients Usually no out-of-pocket costs Some states have copayments Recipient name Recipient Identification Number 7. Commercial Insurance Purchased directly or through employers Monthly premiums required Out-of-Pocket costs Deductibles Coinsurance Copayments Policy holder name Policy/Insurance Identification Number 8. Managed Care Plans The largest type of commercial health insurance Purchased directly or through employers Monthly premiums required Out-of-Pocket costs Deductibles Coinsurance Copayments Policy/Insurance Identification Number Primary Care Provider Name Policy holder name 9. Checking Understanding 1. Medicare is _____ a) A Federal program b) A managed care plan c) For aged and disabled persons d) Both a. and c. 10. Checking Understanding 2. Managed care plans _____ a) Do not have deductibles, coinsurance, or copayments b) Typically have a designated Primary Care Physician (PCP) c) Never require referrals or authorizations d) Are specifically for indigent persons 11. Checking Understanding 3. Medicaid _____ a) Is a Federal program b) Is administered at the state government level c) Is medical insurance for indigent persons d) All of the above 12. Answers 1. If you selected d., you are correct! 2. If you selected b., you are correct! 3. If you selected d., you are correct! 13. This concludes Section One You may replay this lesson as needed
