Nine Foods That Kill Your Testosterone Levels



The diet plays an essential role in maintaining hormonal balance Discover the top nine foods that kill your testosterone levels. Nine Foods That Kill Your Testosterone Levels Food is nutrition to the body which directly complements its health and overall performance. In this article, we will talk about nine foods that kill your testosterone levels and, therefore, should be avoided. While good food sources help in healthy growth of the body cells and other vital components, poor diet and bad food choices can detriment the body’s health and functions. One of the most important components of the body are hormones which primarily function as messengers and stimulants that control and coordinate activities such as chemical process throughout the body.

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Nine foods that may reduce Testosterone

1. Soy products

2. Dairy products3. Alcohol 4. Mint5. Bread, pastries, and desserts6. Licorice root7. Certain fats8. Diet soda9. Sweets

1. Soy products• Soy foods such as tofu, edamame and soy protein isolate all contain

phytoestrogens. These compounds are physically similar to estrogen in the body and act in a similar way.

• A study in the "German Medical Journal" pointed out that although scientists have done a lot of research on soybeans, they still do not fully understand.

• The paper pointed out that many studies have not found a link between the consumption of soy products and changes in serum testosterone or estrogen levels. However, another study showed that after a man stopped using soy, his breast tenderness and estrogen concentration returned to normal.

• Researchers believe that the phytoestrogens in soybeans may affect the body without changing the body's hormone levels, which may cause symptoms of high estrogen.

2. Dairy products• Many people who wish to increase their

testosterone levels may choose to avoid dairy products. This may be because some milk contains synthetic or natural hormones, which may affect a person's testosterone levels.

• In addition, animal feed may contain soybeans, which may increase estrogen levels in milk.

3. Alcohol• Anyone who is concerned about their testosterone levels

may also consider giving up or restricting alcohol. This is especially true for men.

• Although some studies have found evidence that a small amount of alcohol can increase testosterone levels in men, this is not the case. As a study published in the "Current Drug Abuse Review," it pointed out long-term heavy drinking or regular drinking can lead to a decrease in male testosterone.

4. MintPeppermint and spearmint can calm people, but the menthol in peppermint can lower testosterone levels.According to a research paper in Advanced Medicine Newsletter, scientists treated female rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with spearmint essential oil to test its effect on the disease. Researchers pointed out that spearmint essential oil can reduce testosterone levels in these rats.

5. Bread, pastries, and desserts

A study in the "Nutrients" magazine linked a diet high in bread, pastries and other desserts with lower total testosterone levels in Taiwanese men. Other factors include high consumption of dairy products, eating out regularly and not eating enough dark green vegetables.

According to the article, these men also lost muscle mass and increased body fat.

6. Licorice rootStudies of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine have pointed out that licorice root can reduce testosterone during the menstrual cycle of healthy women. Animal studies also show that licorice supplementation can reduce testosterone levels.Ideally, any future research will explore the effects of licorice on both sexes to better understand the general effects of this herb.

7. Certain fats

• The type of fat a person eats may also affect their testosterone levels and function. A study in the Asian Journal of Andrology looked at the dietary patterns of young, healthy men in regards to their hormone levels and testicular function.

• Their research indicated that eating trans fats may lower testosterone levels in the body. They also found that too many omega-6 fatty acids appear to reduce testicular size and funtions.

8.Diet soda• In addition to the power of your body

addictive and frightening in various ways, soda can also cause serious damage to your sex life. Artificial sweeteners are to blame. Eating or drinking with counterfeit sweeteners (especially aspartame) will affect your Serotonin levels, this is important for sexual desire. Honestly, anyone who is sensitive to health should not drink these drinks. Let this be another reason why I've never touched weight loss soft drinks.

9. Sweets• You may have heard of the infamous "sugar

crash", which is the last thing to happen when you want it. After candy first causes blood sugar levels to spike, your energy and blood sugar will drop sharply, causing fatigue, food cravings and brain fog. Not surprisingly, you may not have the energy and energy required for a dynamic experience. Processed baked goods also contain trans fats, which can trap important food glucose in the blood, thereby increasing blood sugar levels and reducing libido.

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