Medical Tourism in Mexico



With the growing trend of medical tourism around the world Mexico rankas as one of the most popular destinations for practices such as dental work, plastic surgery and bariatric surgery.

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Medical Tourism - MEXICO

• Medical Tourism is a global phenom that consists in travel to another country or city with the purpose of recieving some medical attention.

• Factors that have led to the increasing popularity of Medical Travel include the high costs of health care , long wait times for certain procedures, the ease and affordability of international travel, and improvements in both technology and standards of care in many countries.

• Mexico has more than a dozen destinations specialized in medical tourism , where tourism providers join with medical services.

Costs savings compared to USA

• Medical tourism targets as a goal the therapeutic turistical services offered by Spas , private medical care , and also home care.

• In general , these costs can be reduced if made in a different country. Taking advantage of a different per capita income , security , public transport , or the quality of public health services.

This map shows the main cities in Mexico for MedicalTourism

Most typical procedures

• Some of the specialties requiered are: Dentistry , Oncology , Orthopaedics , Cardiology, General surgery , Plastic Surgery and Gastroenterology.

• 50 million Americans are uninsured or underinsured . Moreover the sheer companies helping patients find qualified healthcare is expanding.

• In 2012 , more than 1.6 million Americans will undergo Medical Tourism .


Medical Tourism Puerto Vallarta

• In Mexico , Puerto Vallarta is the destination with the best position in the country for medical tourism.

• The high quality infrastuctures in health services has been the main cause for a big influx of patients that also come here for more complex procedures.

• Medical tourism in Mexico is already nº 1 in the world. Because in January 2014 a majority of baby boomers will likely end up in line in exchange waiting behind people who have never worked , never paid taxes , and live on checks from the government, the Mexican alternative may be the best alternative.

The best doctors in Puerto Vallarta

Medical Tourism - Cancun

• Medical tourism in Cancun represent potentially 25 thousand patients per year for Cancun area.

• During a long period of time it has been a common belief that medical tourism in Cancun , was an activity exclusively for people who were rich or had many resources or high class societies. This has changed as competitive rates in medical sectors , has allowed that people or groups of people who are relatively modest can afford a wide variety of treatments in health and aesthetics.

• Every year medical tourism is more popular as the costs for travelling have also decreased, competitive rates between airlines and hotels have made Cancun become a main target for this activity

The best doctors in Cancun
