Macafem and Hair Loss – with Reviews!



Simple steps to reverse hair loss and reviews of Macafem. The arrival of menopause can damage hair, but rebalancing your hormones and adopting the right combination of lifestyle changes can restore your tresses.

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Macafem and Hair Loss Reversal during


Now that you’re taking Macafem and

working hard to restore your hormonal

system, it’s time to complement it with

some simple steps to reverse hair loss.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

1. Trim Your Hair Often

• Trim up to one inch off your hair every six to eight weeks.

• Alternatively, keep it short for a season while it regains strength.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

2. Nourish Your Hair and Body Properly

• The main nutrients involved in hair growth are B-complex vitamins, zinc, calcium, and biotin. You can find them in leafy greens, lentils, lean cuts of meat, and egg whites.

Fresh fruit will help you get extra vitamin C to boost your collagen and keratin production.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

3. Protect Your Hair

• Guard your hair from environmental damage like UV rays, smog, and chlorine from pools.

• Cover your hair on windy and very sunny days.

• Wear a cap when at the pool.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

4. Don’t Add to the Damage

• Heat and ammonia from beauty treatments can weaken hair, causing breakage or root atrophy.

• Opt for a comb instead of a brush, as they are gentler on your hair.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

5. Dry Your Hair Properly

• Opt for gently squeezing it with a towel to rid it of excess water.

• Afterwards, allow it to dry by itself.

• Avoid excessive rubbing or using the blowdryer.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

6. Breathe Deeply Every Day

• Chronically-high stress levels are a common factor in hair loss.

• An evening out with friends, jogging, and breathing deeply will help you relax.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause

We’d like to provide readers with some

actual testimonials describing how

Macafem has helped others overcome

their symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Macafem and Hair Loss Reviews

Sharon – USA – March 3, 2012“I always look for a natural solution to any medical problems I have, and my perimenopause symptoms had been running my life until I found Macafem [...]With this product my hair is growing back in!!! Macafem is in the process of changing my life for the better, thank you!”

Gloria – USA – January 26, 2014“[...] After one month of use I can see dramatic changes in my weight, my hair, my sleep, my complexion, and my mood. Macafem is amazing”

Macafem and Hair Loss Reviews

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Macafem and Hair Loss Reversalduring Menopause
