How Kent can help you obtain clean drinking water?


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• Water is important to sustain all forms of life

• Nearly 30 percent of Indians lack access to safe drinking water

Did you know?

• Water is polluted by industries

• Water is not stored and transported leading to contamination

The problem?

• River water, which is our primary source of water, gets contaminated due to various reasons such as direct disposal of sewage by municipalities, excessive discharge of industrial pollutants, use for daily chores like washing, bathing, livestock bathing, garbage disposal, etc.

Reasons for the deteriorating water quality

• Water that reaches our home often comes in contact with contaminates during distribution or storage

Why water quality is worsening

Kent to the rescue

Domestic RO water purifiers by Kent provide clean drinking water while retaining essential natural minerals. It is superior to purifiers that are solely UV purification by adding a RO process in addition to UV purification.

Retention of essential natural minerals in purified water.

One distinct advantage which sets KENT RO purifiers apart from other RO purifiers is its ability to retain essential minerals in purifier water. Conventional RO water purifiers while removing dissolved impurities also remove natural minerals, that are essential for a healthy life, thus rendering purified water tasteless and inadequate for drinking.

Kent to the rescue

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