


September is ChildHood Cancer Awareness Month and we are hoping to help raise funds for at least one child in Nigeria during the month of September. We'd be delighted to have your support.

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Hale & Hearty

I was born hale and hearty. From my good looks, my parents were confident I was fine.


I am here, just like thousands of other kids across the land, sick and dying.

Ignorance or Negligence

Many are not aware of cases like mine, but I know of others who actually ignore such

I should be in school or the playground

My mates are either in school right now or out there in a playground somewhere.

Here I am

I am here, lying on my sick bed…


Just like the other kids, I need your help to live a normal life. Help make childhood fun for us.

It is quite simple You can help us by being a part of Faces Of Angels 2014 (FOA 2014)

Be an Angel

It is a good chance, one that you have probably been waiting for to be an Angel.

Why wait?

So what are you waiting for?

Donate or recommend Please donate to our cause or recommend someone who can.

Visit to get started

or call Bolu on: 234-708-716-7467

Bayo on: 234-802-338-5775

