Get a flat tummy, lose 7lb


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Get a flat tummy, lose 7lb

When one woman invented her own diet, she banished her belly bulge – now you can too!

The 7-Day Jump StartUse the principles of the raw food diet to build your own personalised plan. Meals are suggestions that

can be changed to suit you – there are no hard and fast rules. Be sure to squeeze in 30 minutes of

exercise a day, whether it’s a brisk walk or a Pilates class, and start a food diary to keep track of what

you’re eating.

What to eat…» A healthy breakfast Try porridge with honey or fruit compote.

» Simple and high protein healthy snacks midmorning and at teatime.

» Steer clear of bread and have a big soup or a salad for lunch.

» At least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

» Beans and pulses in at least three of your meals this week, to help your body get rid of excess water

and aid your digestion.

What not to eat…» Sugar, It goes straight to your tummy, so steer clear and you’ll soon see results. Replace sugary sweets

with fruit or a couple of pieces of dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa content) to ease your cravings.

» Salt, Don’t add it to food, as it tends to absorb excess water – and you’re trying to flush out water.

» Potatoes, Swap for another vegetable you like, preferably a green one, such as broccoli.

5 top tummy flattening foodsOLIVE OIL As a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), this can help you maintain a lower weight. Use as a

replacement for saturated and trans fats, but always in small amounts.

LEMON PECTIN, found in lemon peel, is a good source of fibre that helps you feel full and keeps your

blood sugar levels balanced. Try to add the juice, zest and peel to meals.

CINNAMON This warming spice stimulates digestion and helps keep your blood sugar levels in balance.

Add to stews and baked fruit.

NATURAL YOGURT Full of lactobacillus, the bacteria that helps improve the way your digestive system

absorbs nutrients. Buy plain live yogurt and add honey or fruit to taste.

GREEN TEA Mildly diuretic, so this healthy brew helps the body get rid of excess water. It’s also been

shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, which can, in turn, reduce sweet cravings. Enjoy with a

square of rich dark chocolate.
