Fertility and obesity risks to the health of mother and baby


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Concerned about pregnancy & overweight?

• Overweight during pregnancy can affect mother's as well as baby's health.

• Understand associated risks of obesity on fertility and how to promote healthy pregnancy!

What is obesity?

• Being obese means you have an excessive amount of fat in your body.

• BMI (Body Mass Index) defines if you are overweight. This is the formula relied on your height and weight.

Check out BMI and Weight Status...

BMI - Weight Status

Can obesity affect pregnancy?

Being obese can harm your fertility by inhibiting normal ovulation.

As BMI increases for any woman, the risks of different pregnancyproblems do also increase.

Obesity may also affect the result of IVF (in vitro fertilization).

Check out obesity & various pregnancy risks...

1. Gestational diabetes

• A woman who is obese is more prone of developing diabetes than a

woman with normal weight.

2. Overdue pregnancy

• Obesity can lead to an extended period of pregnancy beyond the due date.

3. Infection

A woman with obesity may suffer from,• Urinary track infection.• Post-pregnancy infection (if a baby is delivered by c-section or


4. C - section

• Obesity may result in more probabilities of emergency c-section woman with the risks of c-section complications too.

5. Pregnancy loss

• Being obese, a woman may develop the risks of miscarriage.

Obesity & risks to the health of baby

• Obesity during pregnancy can cause various health problems for a baby.

1. Birth defect

• An obese woman during pregnancy may develop birth defects associated to the baby health.

2. Chronic conditions

• Unfortunately, the baby of an obese mother (during pregnancy) may have risks of developing diabetes or heart disease in his adulthood.

3. Child obesity

• A woman with obesity while pregnant may likely deliver an infant rather in larger size (more fatty) than normal.

• It may leads to the risks of childhoold obesity.

How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?

General guidelines -

• Single pregnancy: If you're obese and carrying one baby, the recommended weight gain is 11 to 20 pounds (about 5 to 9 kilograms).

• Multiple pregnancy: If you're obese and carrying twins or multiples, the recommended weight gain is 25 to 42 pounds (about 11 to 19 kilograms)

Specialized care during pregnancy

• Regular prenatal visits and care.• Consume healthy diet.• Stay physically active.• Avoid smoking or illicit

drugs (if any).• Early testing for any physical


All you want to do is to

• Stay stress-free.• Avoid getting excessively obese AND,• Monitoring your baby's growth & development.

Help yourself and your baby to stay fit!

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