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A Growing International Phenomenon

About the Author Taylor Nelson; 22 Major: Psychology; Minor:

Justice Studies Will attend Mercer Law

School in August 2015 I am intrigued by euthanasia

because of the legal and moral aspects of it. I have always found it to be an interesting topic, although it is very controversial. I won’t say that I am 100% for it, but I do believe that it is acceptable in certain cases.

Target Audience

I believe that since Euthanasia is such a controversial hot topic, it is beneficial for everyone to be aware of it.

It’s legal in some places around the world and even more places are actively discussing whether it should be legalized or not.

What is Euthanasia? the act or practice of killing someone who

is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering (Merriam-Webster)

Who does this apply to? There are guidelines that regulate when life-ending

measures can be used. Euthanasia is generally based on the wishes of the

person who it will be applied to. It is usually only used for patients who are terminally ill

and want to die with dignity on their own terms. A terminal illness is one in which there is no

expectation of recovery (

History: Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Dr. Kevorkian devoted most of his life to advocating for physician-assisted suicide.

He started writing about Euthanasia in the 1980s and came up with plans for suicide clinics.

He helped more than 130 people choose to end their lives.

He is known for his part in euthanasia and his “suicide machine” (

Euthanasia Controversy Legality

Supports say it is within a terminally ill patient’s rights to decide to die.

Opponents say doctors violate the Hippocratic Oath by not withholding their moral responsibility to keep their patients alive (Euthanasia Pro Con)

Morality Jewish and Christian people oppose suicide

because they see it as not consistent with human responsibilities to God (Health.Ny.Gov)

Global Euthanasia Various forms of euthanasia are legal in 7 different

countries: Belgium Colombia India Ireland Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands

Forms of euthanasia are also legal in 4 states in the United States: Oregon Washington Montana Vermont

Starred areas* indicate where Euthanasia is legalized.

Starred areas* indicate places where Euthanasia is currently legal.

Works Cited

_sought/chap5.htm http:// http://,9171,2076734,00.html
