Back Pain Massage | Thoracic Outlet & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


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Welcome to Muscle Management Clinic,centrally located in Melbourne’s CBD for

20 years. If you are ready to have an understanding and ability to change the direction of your

future health, consulting Muscle Management Clinic will align your musculo skeletal well being, allowing you to participate fully by living pain free without restriction with an active lifestyle.

This will improve your cardiovascular health, improve mobility, decrease degeneration and prolong your life.

If you have any pain or restriction, acute or chronic, injury or postural denervation, ongoing and unresolved or a one off and you are ready to address the cause and rectify not only your existing symptoms but the ones you are yet to experience, consult Muscle Management, it is renowned for its “hands on“, methodical approach to eradicating physical pain and discomfort and reduced range of movement impacting everyday people in everyday life.

COMMONLY TREATED CONDITIONS Achilles Tendonitis/tears Aches, general /specific, acute/chronic Arthritis, joint decompression and balancing, increase blood flow Back pain Bursitis Carpal tunnel Cramping Chronic neck /back /peripheral joint pain Disc herniation(bulge), compression, ruptures, degeneration Fibrosis Fibromyalgia

COMMONLY TREATED CONDITIONS Foot pain, Bunions, arch issues, heel pain Headaches Hip pain, imbalance, piriformis, syndrome Inflammatory Complaints Joint Pain Jaw issues[TMD] Knee (patella tracking/tendonitis) reconstruction rehab, quadriceps imbalance Lateral epicondylitis(tennis elbow) Migraines Muscular contraction/imbalance/tightness Nerve impingement Pelvic tilt

COMMONLY TREATED CONDITIONS Pregnancy Massage and postural corrections Postural Issues/ faults Plantarfasciatis Rotor Cuff Tendonitis/tears. Sciatica Shoulder pain Shin splints Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction. The overload can result from improper shoulder function due to instability from

poor posture / overuse.

Contact us.

Muscle Management

Level 1, Suite 1.10, 365 Little Collins Street

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

Telephone: 03 9670 9400

FAX: +1 800 889 9898

