What You Should Know about Having Golfers Elbow Surgery


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What You Should Know about Having Golfers Elbow Surgery

Golfer's elbow is common amongst people who overuse the muscles in their arms or forearms. Fortunately, it is generally easy to cure, but if your elbow is still sore and stiff three to six months after first sustaining this injury, your doctor may suggest that you undergo golfers elbow surgery.

Facts and Info about Getting Surgery for Golfer's Elbow

Before you undergo any medical procedure, it would be wise to educate yourself first so you can make an informed decision. If you're considering having surgery for golfer's elbow, here are some important things you need to know.

1. You need to undergo tests firsts

As with any medical procedure, you may be required to undergo tests to determine why you are not responding to non-invasive treatments to golfer's elbow.

Taking these tests will also help determine if your current symptoms are indeed those of medial epicondylitis.

As part of the tests, you may be required to provide your medical history, undergo physical and clinical tests, and have an X-ray or MRI scan of your elbow taken.

Through these tests, the doctor will be able to determine what kind of surgery you will require.

2. Tendon debridement

Depending on the results of your tests, you have two options to consider if you want to have surgery for golfer's elbow. These are tendon debridement and tendon release.

Both procedures are done on an out-patient basis so you don't have to stay long at the hospital. In tendon debridement, the surgeon will generally take out or debride only the affected tissues with the tendon.

The affected tendon will be cleaned up and the damaged tissues will be removed. With the damaged tissues removed, swelling and pain in your elbow is expected to be reduced.

3. Tendon release

With tendon release, the surgeon will make an incision along your arm. Soft tissues will be moved aside to let the surgeon see and cut the point where the flexor tendon is attached to the medial epicondyle.

After splitting the tendon in two, the surgeon will take out any scar tissue and bone spurs that may be present in the medial epicondyle to reduce swelling and elbow pain.

What Happens Next?

What occurs after your surgery is crucial to your rehabilitation. This is why it's important that you avoid moving your elbow to ensure that your wound will heal properly.

Wearing a splint, which is different from a golfers elbow strap, is also highly recommended.

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