Using Omega 3 for Anxiety


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Omega 3 and Anxiety

• There has been research that has shown that low serotonin levels are closely linked with anxiety. This suggests that this key neurotransmitter may also have a role in anxiety disorders, as well as depression.

• Serotonin’s role in the body is as a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters carry messages between neurones which are the cells of the brain. Serotonin is able to make the body feel different emotions, these include happiness and a sense of wellbeing.

• However, in anxiety as in depression, there are some interruptions in the serotonin signalling. That means that Serotonin can’t reach neurones and send the correct signals at the rate that is needed to have healthy emotional responses.

• Omega 3 can change this, or interrupt this process by both making the cell membranes more fluid and permeable. This makes it easier for the serotonin to reach their receptors during synapse so they can relay their calming body message

• So in situations when anxiety is caused by some sort of signal impairment, omega 3 can have a positive effect

• For example in a 2011 study, supplementation with omega 3 led to a lowering of the symptoms of anxiety in stressed medical students taking exams. The study showed that anxiety levels were decreased by an average of 20%.

• These anti-anxiety effects have also been shown to occur in studies done on drug and substance abusers.

• Recovering substance abusers and drug addicts can very often suffer from high levels of anxiety, the anxiety can lead them to return to using and abusing.

• The results of studies have shown that the omega 3 fatty acid EPA had a significant impact on the levels of anxiety that they were experiencing.

• For more information on omega 3 and anxiety and to see the full citations of the studies mentioned in this presentation, please read our article on the Intelligent Labs website, or see our offers on omega 3 and other supplements on our Intelligent Labs homepage
