Urti Antibiotics




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Family Medicine Department

Dr. Eman

Ahmad MareiHusam Salhab

URTI & Antibiotics

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم


• Epidemiology

• Types and causative agents

• Management principles

• Effects of Rx

• Antibiotic in specific URTI

• Factors affect prescription


DefinitionURTI inflammation of respiratory mucosa from the nose to the lower respiratory tree not including the alveoli.

Symptoms•Sore throat


•Facial fullness and Pain




•Tender lymph nodes

•Ear Pain

Epidemiology•In average Children will have 5 URTI/Year, & adults 2-3/Year

•Acute rhinitis is by far the most common cause of doctors visit.

•Otitis media is the most common cause for a child under age 15 to visit a physician.

•Acute Otitis Media, the most common condition for antibiotics (50%).

•Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is only found in 15% to 36% of children with sore throat.

Types and causative agents

Management PrinciplesViral infections need only symptomatic treatment:

-Analgesics (Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen)


-Cough suppressants

-Nasal decongestants

-Vitamin C

-Increase fluid intake

Bacterial Infections need antibiotics in addition of symptomatic treatment

Management Principles

Viral (Don’t Use Antibiotics)


-Promotes antibiotic resistance

-Adverse reactions such as allergy and anaphylaxis


-Patients do not need antibiotics to feel satisfied

Bacterial (Use antibiotics)


- To prevent rheumatic fever

- To prevent suppurative complications (e.g., peritonsillar abscess)

- To speed up recovery

- To reduce spread to others

Management Principles

Viral (Don’t Use Antibiotics)

-Influenza, Common Cold

-Viral Pharyngitis

-Mild Acute Sinusitis

-Mild Acute Otitis Media

Bacterial (Use antibiotics)

-GABHS Pharyngitis

-Moderately to severe Acute Sinusitis

-Moderately to severe Acute Otitis Media

-Special Cases (Pertussis, Croup)

But how can we differentiate between Viral and Bacterial Pharyngitis, Sinusitis & Otitis Media?

Acute Pharyngitis (Sore Throat)



Acute Pharyngitis-No Evidence that bacterial sore throat are more severe than viral ones or that the duration of the illness is significantly different in either cases.

-Based on symptoms , bacterial and viral sore throat are limited to be distinguished. Clinical examination should not be relied upon to differentiate between viral and bacterial sore throat.

-Sensitivity and Specificity suggest that reliance on clinical diagnoses will miss 25-50% of GABHS Pharyngitis cases.

Acute Pharyngitis To determine bacterial Pharyngitis

Strep. ScoreMcIsaac Criteria

Acute PharyngitisRapid Antigen Test (RAT)

Sensitivity of RAT against culture varies between 61-95%.

Specificity of RAT 88-100%

Takes 10 min to be performed

-ve results should be confirmed by culture.

Not found in Jordan

Acute PharyngitisThroat Culture

20-40% of those with negative throat culture will be labeled as having GABHS.

+ve culture makes the Dx of GABHS likely , but –Ve culture does not rule out.

Acute Pharyngitis (Drug Of choice)

-Oral penicillin or erythromycin (in penicillin-allergic individuals), given for 10 days.

-Fortunately, no resistance to penicillin has been reported, so far, among GABHS-related Pharyngitis patients.

ComplicationRheumatic Fever

- Major Criteria:

- polyarithritis

- carditis

- sydenham chorea

- subcutaneous nodules

- erythema marginatum

- Minor Criteria:

- fever

- leukocytosis

- elevated ESR,CRP

- arthralgia

with evidence of recent group A strep infection

CaseA 25 year old man comes to your office with the complaint of a bad sore throat for 2 days. He has felt chills and fever today but has not measured his temperature. He has some pain on swallowing. He has a slight runny nose and denies cough and other symptoms. He was previously healthy.

T= 38.5ears - TM's normalnose – clearneck - no cervical adenopathylungs – clear

How many points does our patient have?Fever over 38 C

Absence of cough

Tender ant. cervical adenopathy

Tonsillar swelling or exudate

Age< 15 y

Age> 45

Total = 3







What are the tests?Rapid strep test -ve

Throat culture + ve

Give Penicillin + Symptomatic treatment

Acute otitis media

Normal Tympanic Membrane

Acute otitis media

Redness Bulging

Acute otitis media

Bullae Perforation

Acute otitis mediaDutch Guidelines

-Dutch study found no difference in outcome between antibiotics, myringotomy, antibiotics combined with myringotomy and placebo.

-Only 1 in 7 children under 2 year old with 1st episode of A.O.M derived significant benefit from antibiotic treatment.

-Although it reduce fever faster , it does not reduce duration of pain or crying.

Acute otitis mediaDutch Guidelines

Diagnostic criteria

- Recent perforation of the tympanic membrane with discharging pus

- Inflamed and bulging tympanic membrane

- One ear drum redder than the other

- Bullae on tympanic membrane


Symptomatic treatment is provided in all cases

The patient or the parents are instructed to contact the general practitioner if there is an

abnormal clinical course, in other words:

- increasing illness or earache, decreased drinking

- no improvement within 3 days



Children < 6 months


6 months - 2 years +

abnormal clinical course

For children >2 years , +recurrent

within 12 months or Down's syndrome ,

cleft palate , compromised immune


Treatment :

- Amoxcillin – Cluv acid

80-90 mg/kg per day

- Clarithromycin

15 mg/kg twice per day


- meningitis

- brain abscess

- mastoiditis

- cholesteatoma

Acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis


Moderate symptoms not improving after 10 days

Moderate symptoms that worsen

after 5 to 7 daysSevere symptoms

-Oral amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or doxycycline, given for 3 to 10 days are the favored antibiotics for treatment.

Influenza- Antibiotics are ineffective

- Amantadine and rimantadine (Antiviral) should not be used for the treatment of influenza because of widespread resistance.

- Rx : Symptomatic treatment only

Common cold

Common cold-No significant difference between antibiotics and

placebo in cure or general improvement at 6–14 days in people with colds.

-In a subgroup of people (20%) with nasopharyngeal culture positive Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or Streptococcus pneumoniae, antibiotics increased recovery at 5 days compared with placebo.

-However, we have no methods currently of easily identifying such people at first consultation.

-Rx: Symptomatic treatment only

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Pertussis-Treating acute tracheobronchitis with antibiotics

is not recommended, since most cases are viral, and thus resolve spontaneously.

-In adults who report exposure to a patient with confirmed or suspected pertussis, erythromycin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should be administered for 14 days. This will decrease contagion from bacterial shedding, but is not expected to improve resolution of symptoms, unless started within 10 days of the onset of illness

CroupNo systematic review, RCTs, or observational

studies of sufficient quality on antibiotics in children with moderate to severe croup.

Antibiotics do not shorten the clinical course of a disease that is predominantly viral in origin. This does not apply if bacterial tracheitis is suspected.

Rx: - Racemic epinephine

- Oral dexamethazone

Factors affect prescription

-Patient expectation and satisfaction.


-Duration of illness

-Parents demands.

-Concerns about secondary bacterial infection.


Thank You

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