Transform the future is digital win


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The Future’s Digital WIN Open Network – Mental Health 10th September 2015



The Future’s Digital

Published a year ago

Personalised Health & Care 2020

Published two months later

Systematic review on the value of digital in statutory mental health. Recommendations

targeted key enablers to support services being enhanced at scale

Using data and technology to transform outcomes for patients and citizens in order to improve health, transform the quality of care

and reduce costs


So where are we now?

“Organisation as a whole needs to understand the


“Need better modelling and collaboration with social

services to place patients “

“Not everyone is on the same EHR… many GPs are

on System 1”

“Lacking data integration – e.g. wards don’t have access to records from social care


“Lack of transparency for people managing pathway”

“Patients are not seen as individuals…. They are

treated as new patients each time they appear”

“Clinicians need to develop an interest in inter-

operability….contextualised around solving problems”

“We need to have a clear understanding of what the

patient needs and wants…”


Determining the ambition at the local level

Siloes of eMental Health apps will all serve a purpose, but do you know what that purpose is?

Is it a common purpose?

Even – is it tactical or strategic?

“An integrated health system, operating across

care setting boundaries and enabled by technology to deliver an enhanced and efficient patient-centred

experience of care”


So, we need to contextualise the hyper-local in the big picture

Patient-centred care


What are the goals for mental health services…

…In the context of an integrated, shared health economy?

What will these services look like in 5 years…

…in terms of ways of working, skills and culture?

How will technology enhance MH services…

…and how will it contribute to the strategic plan?

What is the value of remote care…

…and how will it empower patients and reduce effort?


It’s not about the tech, it’s about the user

If technology is purchased without a clear definition of why the system or process was ineffective to begin with, how can it transform the way things are done?

Digital, by definition, is there to be disruptive

Health personalities help to focus technology on service transformation

Snapshot of physical and mental health circumstances Needs & wants

Lifestyle insights Habits & behaviours


Patient journey map – experiences make care unpredictable

Hospital discharge and pre-consultation

Outpatients appointment

Pre-admission appointment

Surgical admission Post-operative discharge and self-


The journey map was generated by the team, identifying the patients’ experiences as he flowed through care services provided by the hospital and locally. It also contextualised his experiences – how his mental wellbeing, his physical health and life activities were contributing or being affected by the manner in which his care and support was provided.


Delivering tactical solutions – avoid silo’s of technology

Identify needs from journey mapping and

develop needs backlog

Complete ideation exercises to develop

possible solutions

Compile solution business cases and plan solution


Build solution ‘n’ for pilot evaluation and rapid

evolution to beta

Evaluate effectiveness and impact of solution

Scale successful solutions to appropriate system-

level Build next solution on the solution


Improvement cycles

What are our design principles? Would an enterprise platform make sense? What is a pass-fail criteria? What are the KPI’s of success? How do we prioritise improvements?

Iterate back-end Digital & Data infrastructure


Start with user needs

Service design starts with identifying user needs. If you don’t know what the user needs are, you won’t build the right thing.

Do less Don’t design something to replace existing technology that already works well and can be adapted

Design with data Let evidence and data drive decision-making, not hunches or guesswork

Make it simple Ensure the design of solutions and improvements overcome unnecessary steps

Iterate frequently The best way to build good services is to start small and iterate frequently

Make it accessible Everything we build should be as inclusive, legible and readable as possible

Understand context

Think hard about the context in which users are using our services

Build a service, not a site

A service is something that helps people to do something. Our job is to uncover user needs, and build the service that meets those needs

Be consistent Use the same language and the same design patterns wherever possible. This helps people get familiar with our services


Business leadership and stakeholders

engaged throughout

Backlog of programme

requirements that need to be


Prioritised activities set out in order

of importance

to the project

Sprint planning sessions

determine the aims & activities of the next sprint

Activities required in the

sprint to complete the


Planning should make it possible for all tasks to be completed within the sprint. However the end date of the sprint does

not change if they are not

The team Client lead

Delivery Manager

‘Show & Tell’ (Sprint Review)

Daily Stand-Up

Completed work

Sprint Retrospective

Progress measurement

Team selects as many tasks as it believes can be delivered by the end of the sprint

Agile works excellently for technology, why not for change?


Six Things

Ground-up innovation culture Start with a vision Digital enablers transformation Be open, be enterprise Understand your users Leverage behavioural change in digital relationships
