Top Three Challenges to Building an Organization Dedicated to Social Learning


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introNetworks Webinar Series

"How To Overcome the Top Three Challenges to Building an Organization Dedicated to

Social Learning"

Thursday June 25th, 9 am Pacific


Mark Oehlert,Innovation Evangelist at the

Defense Acquisition University

Mark Sylvester, CEO


Chat Live with us on Twitter

Today’s Conversation

Mission: Provide practitioner training, career management, and services to enable the AT&L community to make smart business decisions and deliver timely and affordable capabilities to the warfighter.

DAU Mission & Vision

Vision:Enable the AT&L workforce to achieve the right acquisition outcomes


Auditing 2     3,485 3,487

Business, Cost Estimating, & Financial Management

4,171 1,716 1,503 218 7,608

Contracting 10,042 5,018 7,371 5,314 27,745

Facilities Engineering 441 3,477   9 3,927

Industrial/Contract Property Management 125 56 27 321 529

Information Technology 2,733 744 1,116 248 4,841

Life Cycle Logistics 6,319 4,154 1,781 76 12,330

Production, Quality & Manufacturing 2,193 2,000 334 4,439 8,966

Program Management 4,475 3,624 3,958 717 12,774

Purchasing 332 555 123 667 1,677

SPRDE - Science & Technology Manager   171 19 100 290

SPRDE - Systems Engineering 11,964 16,690 6,239 253 35,146

Test and Evaluation 2,140 2,446 2,598 94 7,278

Unknown 506   6 1,132 1,644

Total 45,443 40,651 25,075 17,073 128,242

What I’m Working On• Workforce Technology


• Teaching and Learning Lab (TALL) Development

• Virtual Worlds

• Nexus

• Second Life

• Best Practices

• Innovation Strategy

• Work with e-Champions

• Internal champions

• Program Manager for internal DAU KM

• Intranet

• Social Networking

• Expertise Locator

• Social Media in general

What is Web 2.0 Social Media?"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.“ Tim O’Reilly

•Largely use existing technology

•Unlike all other previous deployments of enterprise-class software, this generation is being driven by a “consumerization of the enterprise” – that is, these products are being developed and released to the commercial public for testing and refinement before entering the enterprise.

•Web 2.0 technologies are not culturally neutral

The Three Challenges


•What if people say bad things?

•What if people say wrong things?

•What if people say secret things?

Weekly discussion on learning and training using Twitter

8:30 – 10:00 PM EDT – Thursdays

Use the hash tag #lrnchat

Transcript of #lrnchat for 06/11/09• 8:44:51 pm lrnchat: Q1: Why aren’t ppl using

social media & twitter-like tools in training? What myths do they have? Excuses they use? Legit reasons? #lrnchat

• 8:45:58 pm tmiket: Too new. Misunderstood. #lrnchat

• 8:46:16 pm busynessgirl: @lrnchat I think the biggie is privacy issues. #lrnchat

• 8:46:26 pm mobilemind: Legit reason & excuse to limit soc. media: discussion or confidential, proprietary or personally identifiable information. #lrnchat

• 8:46:32 pm oxala75: A1: perceived unpredictability, fear of uncovering own ignorance, etc. #lrnchat

• 8:46:32 pm KoreenOlbrish: @lrnchat Twitter nonuse excuse: its distracting; legit reason: it can be distracting #lrnchat

• 8:46:43 pm BlancheMaynard: Q1 – Twitter and similar tools too messy. Lack of control from trainer/presenter/prof #lrnchat

• 8:46:49 pm rpannoni: Met with a large corp this week that thinks there are too many legal

and institutional barriers. #lrnchat

• 8:46:54 pm moehlert: @lrnchat #lrnchat Q1 I love that the question isn’t focused on learning but on training…

• 8:47:34 pm KoreenOlbrish: @moehlert that’s because training is about control and that’s what Twitter challenges #lrnchat

• 8:47:46 pm marciamarcia: I’ve been hearing “My company won’t allow it” (and they don’t even know there are inside the firewall options. Q1 #lrnchat

• 8:47:58 pm Priaak: measurement… how to measure learning through twitter type apps, takeaway for each person may be different #lrnchat

• 8:52:22 pm richardsheehy: upper level mgmt see SoMe as waste of time. workers should be working not socializing #lrnchat

• 8:53:26 pm bjdavies: @richardsheehy need mind shift to realise that in today’s world working/socializing cannot be separated #lrnchat

Minutes of the First Meeting of the Black Swan Society

1. Identify early adopters in your own organization, recruit them, train them, and help them to spread new techniques to their own networks in the organization.

2. Speak to the core problems.

Think big. Start small. Move fast.

3. Context is key.

4. Convert the dissenters. IT. HR. OD

5. It’s hard to be a prophet in your own lands.

6. Personal use first, instructional use second.

7. Culture is key. “Every Marine a rifleman”


•What if people say bad things?

•What if people say wrong things?

•What if people say secret things?

• What if they collaborate and share?

• What if they find new business?

• What if they share best practices?

What if they don’t?

People resist change – right?

“We are passing from the Cartesian cogito – I think, therefore I am - to cogitamus –

we think, therefore we are.”

Pierre Levy

This is where social media comes in

“There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.”

- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Feb 12, 2002

The opposite of imposed structure is not chaos…the opposite of an imposed structure is an emergent structure, one that forms over a time based on the interactions of a lot of people.

Andrew McAfee, Harvard Business School


Play & Think

…in order to better understand the tools and their capabilities

…in order to understand the vision and strategy needed to best use these tools

Everybody teaches, everybody learns.

Thanks For WatchingFor more information on Mark Oehlert




• @moehlert(twitter)

For more information on Mark



• @marksylvester (twitter)

Webinar Replay – in 24 hours


Special GuestMarcia Conner

Last Week of July – Check

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July Webinar
