Synopsis questionnaire analysis 232




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  • 1. Synopsis questionnaire analysis Grace Sheridan

2. Synopsis: One cold evening two sisters arrive at an isolated house; Molly is dragging her feet and is continuously stopping outside the house with a stressed face. Macy is leading the way and eventually they reach the old front door. They are inside the house; Molly slouched on the sofa while Macy is looking around for drink continuously glancing back at Molly. Macy rushes back with the two drinks and hands one over to Molly while she is still slouched against the wall. Macy is glancing at Molly while she sips back her drink. Macy forces Molly over to a group of girls, Molly is staring into space while everyone is talking; she hastily rushes away from the group. A few seconds later Macy is cautiously starring round the house, she quickly leaves her group of friends. Macy is uncomfortably pacing round the house and then enters the cold garden, from a poor sight peeking round the corner she can see a group of girls and Molly knocking back shot glasses laughing. Macy watches and catches Molly staring at a boy with a glow in her eyes until Macy herself is locked onto the boy gazing at him, a few seconds later she realises she has lost track of focusing on Molly then goes steaming over. Molly is continuously staring at the boy with a gleam until she is interrupted with her sisters entrance. The group of girls are talking, Ellies hand is digging down inside her pocket which Macys eyes are locked onto and suddenly drugs appear, the girl Ellie begins to roll a joint. Macy stares shamefully and uncomfortable at the group of girls and her sister. Molly grabs the joint off of Ellie and sparks it up gazing into the lightened end. The boy is glancing at the group. Macys eyes are glued onto Molly as she inhales the smoke, the joint gets passed round to Ellie who then passes across to Macy who stands frozen looking angered towards the girl Ellie, smoke is weeping into Macys eyes until the boy Daniel comes rushing into the group of girls and looks disgusted with the girls inhaling the joint. Molly raises her voice at Macy and has her eyes all tucked up and wrinkled, later on Daniel and Macy walk off together with a sparkle in their eyes leaving Molly looking dis-heartened. 3. How old are you? 4. What is your postcode? 5. What is your gender? 6. Have you seen any short films? 7. Can you recognise specific themes or issues within the synopsis? Answers: Yes I could recognise relationship and drug issues, Drug issues and protection, drug use, relationships and sister rivalry, Drug abuse, romance and relative relationships, drugs, protection, drug abuse, under age drug abuse, drugs and alcohol abuse. A high percentage of my results show that they have some understanding of a drug issue being represented. They have all successfully pointed out an issue/theme within my synopsis. These results have shown me that some of my issues and themes are clear for my audience to depict. It enables me to carry on with my selected themes and issues within my synopsis. Overall the majority of the results recognise a drug issue and have been able to pick out a variety of themes and issues. This will impact my creative process as I no which of my themes and issues are easily recognised and which need more detail to become visual. 8. Was there anything you particularly liked within the synopsis? Answers: The characters were portrayed well, the focus to drug use that is represented, I liked the sense of tension that built up, the realism, the use of expression, the place/setting, I liked how it reflected the youth of our generation, It keeps the reader attracted as its interesting, the tension within the two sisters. The results I have received show a variety of parts to the synopsis that my audience liked and were attracted to. The results were a mixture of answers. The results show the parts people were interested in therefore i can see things that were not mentioned within my results for being liked and I can pay attention to so I can create them more attractive and interesting to my audiences eye. Overall the majority of the results showed a range of answers to what they liked within my synopsis, this is going to help impact my creative process because I now no what is popular within my synopsis and what is not. 9. Can you visualize the idea? Explain why. Answers: Yes because of the detailed description, Yes because it is very detailed, Yes as lots of adjectives helped set the scenario within my head, Yes because it is well written, Yes because of the descriptive text, Yes as it is a situation which often occurs within our society, Yes because you can identify and relate to it, Yes because I felt a sense of familiarity, At some parts I can because of its detail however the ending structure needs more. A high percentage of the answers to this question selected yes however there was one person who stated At some parts I can because of its detail however the ending structure needs more, this shows that I need to focus and pay attention to the end of my structure and create it clear to my audiences eye. Overall the results have pointed out the positive aspects of my idea being visualized, this shows I can carry on with my idea as the majority could visualize my idea. This will impact my creative process because even though there was a high percentage who were able to visualize it I have found out I need to improve my ideas ending so that It is easier for my audience to visualize it. 10. Were you able to relate to the protagonist? Explain why.Answers: Not really as I' am not a teenage girl taking drugs, Yes because I have seen people in that position, Yes because I have experienced situations like this with others, Yes because I can relate to the experience, yes because I have friends who do illegal substances, Yes because she is a similar age to me, Yes as some of my friends are similar to her, Yes I could relate because the situation reminds me of past experiences, Yes because she is the same age and gender to me. The majority of my answers agreed to being able to relate to my protagonist, however their was one response which stated they couldnt relate due to the difference of gender, these results shows that it may be harder to make the opposite gender connect/relate to my protagonist. I need to focus on ways in which I can enable both genders to relate to my protagonist. Overall the results have shown successful ways in which people can relate to my protagonist due to similar real life experiences and that the protagonist is the same gender and age, however the results also showed a small factor could not relate to my protagonist due to gender, This will impact my creative process because I need to pay attention on creating my character in such a way that both genders can relate. The results have made me think that my character Daniel could become a stronger part of the story. 11. In what points in the reading did you feel emotionally engaged? Answers: when the drugs appeared as it causes tension, within the drug scene and when Macy was spying on her sister, when the drugs are being inhaled, when the drugs were being taken, when Macy felt uncomfortable and stared shamefully, the prier pressure issue and drug scene, when the drugs become involved and it effects the relationship between the sisters, when you could tell Macy and Molly felt a longing sense for the boy Daniel, the arrival of the two sisters. A variety of the results suggest that when the drugs appeared on the scene they felt emotionally engaged, a small amount were based on the relationship between the two sisters. This shows me that my audience can emotionally connect or relate to the drug situation due to real life experiences. It also tells me they are very aware of the issue drugs. Overall the results have proven that the topic of drugs is very popular for my audience feeling emotionally engaged, the issue of drugs is a main and key message of my film so it is positive that my audience have noticed it within the synopsis. This will impact my creative process because I need to recognise more of the issues and themes within my story and create them into more descriptive detail within the synopsis in order to build my audience even more emotionally engaged. 12. How would you sum up the main themes/issues of the story? Answers: substance abuse, the issue of drug abuse as an attempt to impress others, They involve a lot of common issues that teenagers will experience and I think they are very engaging because they are issues people can relate to, They include serious issues we have in todays society, different views on drugs, intenseness of drugs, drugs and sister rivalry, teenage phases, protection'. A high amount of the results sum up the story to do with the issue of drug use or the issue of the young teenage youth. The results show me that some of my storys issues and themes are easy for the audience to recognise but also how they are very aware of the main issue of drug use. Although the main issue of drug use has been portrayed successfully it is not the only main issue I want to be identified Overall the results have shown me that the main issue of drug use is easily identified, this will have an impact in my creative process as my other main theme and issue is sister rivalry, I need to focus on ways it can be recognised a bit more. 13. Do you think the story works in a 5 minute time period? (if no explain why) 14. What were the most visual moments you notice? Answers: When the girl is drinking shots and when the tension and awkwardness built when the drugs appear, description of facial expressions, when she smokes the drugs, when the drugs are being inhaled, description of the sisters arrival, prier pressure of Macy doing drugs, smoking the substance, the drug abuse and when sexual relationships begin to form, I felt visually engaged when the girl partook in smoking the joint. A high percent of the results show that the most visual moments noticed by my audience is the use of drugs. This shows me that the issue of drugs is very realistic to the eye from my audience. Overall the results show that the participation of Molly doing drugs is one of the most visual moments however I'm going to improve my story idea by looking at the structure from the beginning and end to create more visual moments rather than just in the middle with the drug scenes. 15. Did you read it more than once? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0YesNo 16. Is there anything you would personally change within the synopsis? And why? Answers: I would make it even more detailed, I would change the outcome because I didnt like Molly getting judged because of her choice to smoke, I would change how much happens in the short space time, I would change the wording used, I would use a broader range of phrases, create it a bit more exciting, present it longer with more detail, some of the wording, the wording and particular phrases used. The results have shown a variety of different things people would change within my synopsis, this has given me plenty of feedback on ways I can improve my synopsis. I am going to pay attention to changing around my wording and using new phrases. Overall the results have given me the opportunity to improve my synopsis, I will do this by re arranging my wording and phrases, look at the ways in which I can bring the end structure more exciting to my audiences eye etc. 17. Do you think this story is relevant today? And why?Answers: Yes as prier pressure is happening more often these days, Yes as teenagers are very much delved into harmless substances yield to peer pressure, Yes due to all teenagers being infatuated with others and hooked on drugs, yes as it is an issue which occurs all the time, Yes as it is a common issue within society, Yes it shows are generation, Yes as it revolves real life issues we have in society today, Yes because nowadays, these kind of situations become real life experiences for people, I feel this story is very relevant with the youth of today because a lot of young people can associate themselves with the characters. A high percentage of my results have given some sort of explanation to why my story idea is relevant within today. They have pointed out my key issues such as peer pressure, drug use and the young youth within society today. It shows me that if the story is relevant within today that I have the chance of creating my film realistic and visual to my audience. Overall the results have shown my story is relevant today, this has an impact within my creative process as now I know I need to make it realistic as plenty of people have experienced theses issues in there own life's or within society. 18. Do you think it is important within society? And why?Answers: Yes as younger people are getting ignored which leads them ending up rebelling through drugs and alcohol, Yes because it is a perfect example on how pre judgements are made today, Yes because it is in our society at the moment, Yes as people will be able to relate to the story and characters due to real life experiences, Yes it shows the danger of drugs, yes as a large amount of people can relate to it, It is important as it shows the portrayal of society today, Yes it sends a good message to young people, No films aren't important to society. A high percentage of my results have stated my idea is important within society, however there was one person who stated 'No films aren't important to society', this shows a strong difference between the results. Overall the majority of the results feel it is important within society however there was a strong answer which felt films were not important to society. This shows that even if you use real life issues it may not have an impact within society. 19. Does the story include characters that are usually not represented? If so who? Answers: No teenagers are often represented, No, Yes teenage British girls are commonly under represented, No, yes, teenage girl drug addicts are not commonly a main character in films, yes as teenage girl groups into drugs are not usually portrayed, No, No it does not, I feel Macy is a character that isn't usually represented because young people are usually shown in a negative light. The results given have a balanced view, some of the audience asked feel that teenagers are represented commonly however some of the audience think 'teenage drug addicts' are commonly presented within films. Overall this shows I need to think if there is anyone missing within my film. This has helped me because I know my characters are a popular choice within films and that they are recognised easily. 20. Do you sense a strong message? If yes, what? Answers: Yes a strong message of drug awareness and the effects, I feel a lawfully correct message which is not to use drugs and how it affects you socially, strong message of behaviour, safety, drugs and relationships, I see a strong message of drug awareness and the effect it has, a strong message of drug awareness, drug awareness, strong message of the impact of drug use, No it is unclear at what happens at the end, Yes dont do drugs. A massive amount of the audience asked identified a strong message of the focus on drugs. This shows my message of drugs is easily recognised, however people felt the structure towards the end was unclear therefore did not connote a strong message. Overall people felt a strong message of drug awareness, to improve my synopsis I'm going to pay attention to the ending of the structure and create it more clear to the eye and make sure it correctly fits in with the beginning and middle structure to see if it later on helps create a stronger message. 21. Is there anything key being represented? If so explain. Answers: pier pressure within teenage groups, Yes young people, drug use within British youth, yes peer pressure through Macy, drugs, drug effects on relationships, drugs and parental control, Everyday life experiences for people, I feel the key representation is the youth of today. Most of the above results suggest that young youth is a key being represented, everyone who answered the questionnaire has been able to suggest something key being represented. This has shown me what is easily recognised within my film and what is not. Overall my audience have been able to recognise something being represented, however I want to improve my synopsis my making sure the key of sister rivalry and relationships gets noticed more. 22. Can you identify any types/groups being represented? Answers: Teenage youth, I feel like the lower class youth of today is being represented through this story, Yes young groups of teenagers, young peoples society, yes kids of today, sisters, age and social class, young youth, teenage girls, young people.A high amount of the results have noticed the specific group of teenage youth is being represented. This has shown me that my specific group has successfully been recognised.Overall all the results suggest teenage youth is the specific group being represented, this will help me improve my synopsis as I need to also focus on representing classes, different stereotypes of people etc.
