Suicide in india


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• Nearly one million people worldwide die by suicide each year. This corresponds to one death by suicide every 40 seconds.

•Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the world, especially among young people.

•Lack of access to appropriate care is one of the many factors that magnify the stigma associated with mental illness and with suicidal ideation and behaviour. This type of stigma, which is deeply rooted in most societies, can arise for different reasons.

• More than one lakh persons (1,35,445) in thecountry lost their lives by committing suicideduring the year 2012.

• It is observed that social and economic causes have led most of the males to commit suicides whereas emotional and personal causes have mainly driven females to end their lives.

• 15 Suicides took place every hour.

Suicide is preventable, most suicidal individuals desperately want to live, they are just unable to see the alternatives to their problems

Most suicidal individuals give definite warning of their suicidal intentions but others are either unaware of the significance of these warnings or do not know how to respond to them

Talking about suicide does not cause someone to be suicidal

Who successfully commits suicide more often, men or women?

The overall male:female ratio of suicide victims for the year 2012 was 65:35,

however, the proportion of Boys : Girls suicide victims (upto 14 years of age) was 49:51.

Who attempts suicide more often, men or women?


What age group is most likely to commit suicide?

Is a married or unmarried person more likely to commit suicide?

Nearly 71.1% of the suicide victims were married males while 67.9% were married females.

What are the causes of suicide?

Stressors that are most likely to induce suicide

Adolescentsinterpersonal conflictsseparation and rejection

40 to 60 years oldEconomic problems

Above 60 years oldMedical illness

What occupations are at significant risk for suicide?

What are the 3 risk factors for likely commit suicide ?

Middle ageMaleAlcoholic

Feeling irritable, restless, angry or sad most of the timeChange in sleep pattern, self-care, sex drive withdrawal / isolation threatening to hurt or kill him/her selfLooking for a way to kill him/her selfTalking or writing about death or suicide Recent losses or major life changesPrevious suicide attemptsFamily history of suicideExcessive alcohol or drugs

Be aware learn the warning signsGet involved, become availableShow interest and supportBe willing to listenTalk openly about suicideDo not leave the person aloneDo not swear secrecyRemove meansGet help from othersContact your nearest helpline

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