Stress Management & Resilience


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Why Can’t I Hit My Fitness Goals

I eat right, work out, take vitamins…

and STILL have no energy and can’t budge the belly fat!

What is holding me back?

The Hormone Connection

Over 1/3 of adults are obese

2/3 are overweight

CDC data: Adults >40 are the most unfit with highest obesity rates

It’s no coincidence that this is the age when hormones start to shift and decline…

Triggering Imbalances Linked to…

Belly fat

Sluggish metabolism

Sugar cravings

Raging appetite

Unexplainedweight gain Fatigue +




Loss oflean muscle

Higher body fat

Emotional eating Catabolic stress

Who Benefits from Cortisol Testing

Anyone with:

Weight loss goals: increase lean muscle, reduce body fat, raise metabolic rate, control appetite and cravings

Fitness and performance goals: increase energy, strength, stamina, endurance and competitive drive

Optimal-aging goals: reduce stress to enhance health vitality, appearance, mood, memory, mental clarity, sleep, libido, zest for living!

Hormones in Synchrony

Hormones are key players in regulating metabolism, blood sugars, energy levels, strength, stamina AND when and where the body stores fat.

When hormone levels dive, symptoms float to the surface.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance?

Aging: all hormones shift and decline

Chronic Stress: triggers blood sugar/insulin imbalances and weight gain – belly fat in particular

Poor nutrition: causes food cravings, weight gain, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes

Lack of exercise: linked to overeating and obesity, blood sugar imbalances, and loss of lean muscle mass that is replaced by fat

Xenoestrogens: a.k.a. endocrine disruptors that overstimulate/cause imbalances and weight gain!

The Type C Lifestyle

Stress vs. distress - identical responses from a physiological perspective

The brain registers stress as it always has, but we no longer react with vigorous physical activity (fight or running away)

Body then stores stress response and churns out stress hormones

Now we’re living the Type C lifestyle: chronic stress and constantly elevated cortisol levels drop kick DHEA and other crucial hormones

Key Players: Cortisol

CORTISOL produced in adrenals in response to stress is protective when not too high or too low Needed to maintain normal physiological processes during times of

stress Regulates gluconeogenesis /bodily metabolism of glucose, as well

as protein, and fatty acids. Primary hormone driving immune function

Also helps control: Excess inflammation in the body under stress Mood and well being Blood vessels and blood pressure Connective tissue

DHEA: Fountain of Youth Hormone

DHEA is the most abundant circulating hormone in humans and the most abundant product of the adrenal glands.

It converts to testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, or cortisol.

Reduced levels are a marker of age-related chronic conditions.

It also functions to protect and maintain: Bone density lean muscle mass Metabolism and growth Cognitive health

Why Test Cortisol & DHEA

Exposure to chronic stress raises cortisol levels and depletes DHEA

Levels are easily and non-invasively detectable in saliva

Testing can: determine if a client has adrenal imbalances that are undermining

health and fitness goals Confirm suspected adrenal dysfunction Comparisons to normal motivates clients to make lifestyle changes Personalize rebalancing plan

America the Fattest

America the Fattest

America the Fattest

America the Fattest


Adrenal Imbalance

Our Adrenal Glands: Make CORTISOL, DHEA, var. sex

hormones at midlife Regulate metabolism of blood sugars

(gluconeogenesis) to fuel the body, harness energy,

Cope with stressors, induce appetite for refueling after stress, increase fat storage as a survival mechanism

Maintain the immune system

Adrenal Gland


Symptoms of Adrenal Imbalance

Morning or evening fatigue

Feeling “tired but wired”

Can’t get to sleep or stay asleep

Lack of stamina, weakness

Allergies/asthma/chemical sensitivities

What Causes Adrenal Imbalance?

• Chronic stress

• Diet high in sugars, carbs, caffeine

• Unbalanced lifestyle

• Lack of sleep

• Midlife demand

How Does Adrenal Imbalance Affect Weight?

Triggers: blood sugar imbalances food and sugar cravings overproduction of insulin, which

increases fat storage, especially around the middle

Cortisol Connection to Belly Fat

Belly fat is the body’s answer to stress

Cortisol sends a potent signal to abdominal fat cells to store as much fat as possible AND hold on to it!

Androgen Imbalance – DHEA & Testosterone Anabolic hormones

build/maintain lean muscle and bone mass, metabolic rate, skin elasticity, sex drive, heart health, energy, mood, mental clarity

The more lean muscle the more rev in the metabolism

How Does Androgen Imbalance Affect Weight?

High levels linked to insulin resistance and increased abdominal fat

Lows linked to loss of BMD, lean muscle, higher body fat, low metabolic rate, poor exercise tolerance/recovery, sore muscles/weakness, joint stiffness, aches/pains

Stress Hormones & Low Thyroid

High cortisol stress hormones inhibit thyroid function leading to sluggish metabolism, lethargy, poor exercise tolerance and stalled weight loss

Balance Hormones Naturally

Eat: whole, hormone-free fruits, veg, good fats, fiber, proteins

Drink: H20 – 64-oz/day minimum

Exercise: MOVE it every day

Sleep: 7+ hrs night

Stress: minimize it

Supplement: as needed

Don’t Scrimp on Vitamin Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Minimum 7 hours a night

Less disrupts appetite hormones which can trigger a raging appetite, sugar cravings, constant hunger and the sense of never feeling full!

Balance Your Exercise

Exercise not only burns calories but releases tension held in the muscles to help normalize cortisol

Strength training boosts Testosterone/DHEA and lean muscle to lower body/belly fat!

Cardio: < 40 min low – mod intensity (zone 1-2) when cortisol level is w/in optimal range

Strength: periodized and progressive

Balance with recovery-activity (gentle yoga or pilates)

Cardio: < 30 min intervals (2-3 min of zone 1, 1 minute zone 4, repeat) at time of day with best energy level

Strength: < 30 min w/higher load/lower reps (4-8 reps max to fatigue) with longer rest periods between sets

Active recovery: 2-3 times a week (gentle yoga/pilates)

Say NO to XENOS . . .

Go green, organic

Hormone-free, BPA-free etc.

Earth friendly gardening

No heating in plastics

Fiber, water, crucifers clear xenos to promote healthy hormone metabolism

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Now you know ….

That an undetected, uncorrected hormone imbalance will sabotage your client’s ability to: Build strong bones and muscles Boost metabolism Budge belly fat Control cravings Reach fitness/performance goals Lose weight and keep it off


Thank You!Merci!

