Step 2: Registering Potential Donors


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1000 Cranes for HOPE

National APAMSA Bone Marrow Campaign

Just the facts• NMDP registry: 7 million total

• Caucasian: 73%

• Hispanic/Latino: 10%

• African American: 8%

• Asian/API: 7%

• Multi Race: 3%

• American Indian: 1%

•75% of Asian/API patients who need a bone marrow transplant do NOT get a lifesaving transplant

• Thank you APAMSA members for your effort! ! !

• Together we can recruit and expand the National Bone Marrow Registry to help patients find a life saving bone marrow match.

Registrant Eligibility

• Between age of 18-60

• Be in overall good health and meet medical guidelines (see packet)

• Live in the United States.

• Have they already joined?

Committed potential donor

• We are responsible for making sure that the potential donor is fully committed at registration.

• Registrants who match and later refuse to donate do MORE HARM than good for the patients and their families.

INFORM the potential donor

• The potential donor must understand the entire process. They must be aware of:

• What it means to register

• How long they will be listed in the registry

• Understanding what will happen if they match

• Knowing the 2 ways to donate

• Knowing their obligations at the time of match

Donor is unsure?

• Try to address any and all of the donor’s questions or issues with the process.

• Refer them to or call 1 (800) MARROW2 for available materials in Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

• Remind the potential donor that they have many opportunities to join the registry when they feel ready.

•AGAIN, it is important that we register committed donors!

Begin Registration Process

•Have the potential donor read the INSERT in the consent form.

•Have a representative be present to answer any questions they may have.

• Make sure to place a large white BARCODE on the top right corner of the page.

• The same barcode number will be used for the entire packet.

• Fill out all information on this page.

• If the registrant does not want to give his/her social security number, ask for a driver’s license number and 2 completely different contacts NOT at the same permanent address as the registrant.

• Affix a large white BARCODE on this page.

• Employer and spouse information is optional.

• 1st and 2nd contact must all have DIFFERENT addresses than the registrants and from each other. They cannot be living at the same place. This is very important!

• Make sure the registrant answers “YES” to Q1 and Q2.

• Check the “NO” to Q3-Q9 regarding their health. Refer to the NMDP medical guide or onsite coordinator if the registrant answers “YES” to any problems with their health.

• Have the registrant read the consent form.

• Have the registrant SIGN this form.

IMPORTANT!!! Double check the following before moving on:

• Name

• Birth Date

• Address/phone number

• Driver’s License or Social Security

• Address & phone number

• 2 contacts with different addresses

• Full understanding of the health questionaire

• Signature

Donor ID card: Give card to the registrant

• Affix a small white BARCODE on the card. GIVE CARD to the registrant.

• Make sure that the donor knows to update their information when they move. Update at: or at 1(800) Marrow2

• Donor ID Card is a handy reminder of their commitment to helping someone in need.

Buccal Cheek Swabs • TOTAL: 4 cotton tipped swabs

• Put the PINK labels on each swab

• Tell the registrant to:

• use 1 swab to brush one corner of their cheek for 10 seconds

• Put the used swab into the foam slits in the buccal card

• Repeat with each individual swab at a different corner of the mouth

•It is IMPORTANT that the swabs are not CONTAMINATED by someone touching the tip. Swab should only touch the registrant’s cheek.

• Affix a small white BARCODE onto the envelop and seal the envelop

Leftover labels

• 2 large white barcodes (registration form)

• 2 small white barcodes (Donor ID card, envelop)

• 4 pink barcodes (buccal swabs)

Original labels


• Put everything together inside the form to return to the NMDP office:

• Completed forms with barcodes

• Buccal swab envelop with barcode

• Unused barcode labels


• REGISTER your drive for the APAMSA “1000 Cranes for HOPE” national campaign via email at with the following info:

• Date, time, location, contact person, organization (A3M, Cammy Lee, Be the Match)

• APAMSA will also be holding an online bone marrow drive beginning MARCH 1st – MAY 30th with registration fee waved if you use the code “SWAB4APAMSA” at 
