SPPH 581H Class 9 2011



Social multimedia & collaboration

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Social multimedia 2.0:an introduction for students in SPPH 581H

Dean Giustini, UBC librarian | dean.giustini@ubc.ca | SPPH 581H Fall 2011

101 musicians from 33 countries chosen to collaborate ~ YouTube Symphony Orchestra http://www.youtube.com/user/symphony

• What is social multimedia ?

• Social multimedia tools that aid collaboration? – i.e. Google Docs, wiki writing, viral video

• Discuss social aspects of multimedia collaboration – Openness– Remix– Collaboration 2.0

• Trends in social multimedia & learning

Some ideas re: multimedia

…refers to multiple online formats that foster significant individual participation as well as group collaboration… one that promotes community

curation, discussions, debate & re-use of content (remix)

What is social multimedia?

Social multimedia - Virgin America’s Red In-Flight Entertainment system on the backs of airplane seats. Passengers watch / chat / socialize with other passengers while

watching the same satellite TV programhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-flight_entertainment

“…free software tools such as GoogleDocs and Zoho introduce students to the notion of collaborative authoring and how ideas can evolve through iterative editing. ...Noodletools helps students create note cards, bibliographies and a place to store research. 2Learn.ca uses a similar approach with its online netlog sheets, concept maps and notepaper sheets. At mySchoolog students organize their

school life online, create schedules, organize projects and ...upload various forms of media."

~ Naslund (2008)

Jumpstart collaboration early…

Welcome to my personal learning environment!Watch this 3 min. YouTube video about Symbaloo

Symbaloo = To assemble (media)

7th Grade Student Tells Her Story

To collaborate is to “co – labor”

‘…in the long history of humankind those who learned how to collaborate and improvise effectively have prevailed…’

Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)

• Can there be meaning without people? No.

• Meaning is made by groups, not individuals

• However, meaning interpreted by individuals & their context(s)

• New meaning is constructed through shared understanding

• Meaning is made persistent in artifacts, digital & otherwise

Meaning-making comes from people

”...collaborative projects really make for an excellent educational experience ...students bounce ideas off each other and improve each other's writing skils – the process itself

teaches them how to work well with others - a valuable skill for everyone...”

. Richard Ellwood, Technology & Digital Arts Teacher

Real-time collaborative editing (RTCE) is synchronous (simultaneous), meaning that users can edit the same file at the same time

Google Docs for RTCE (real-time editing)

YouTube http://www.google.com/apps/

MedTing http://medting.com/products-overview/

Metacollab.net (collaboration on collaboration)

Podcasting / webcasting

Presentation software / screencasting

Creating e-spaces for collaboration


• Create complex networked multimedia documents without specialized training

• Read Sophie books in a browser without downloading applications

• Comments & discussion inside books • Embed web browsers in book pages

• Import, embed and export PDF files

• Open Sophie inside other Sophie books

• Frame-based timelines present easy way to create animations

• Sophie allows uploading, managing, and downloading books on a server

Sophie 2.0 allows simultaneous reading & collaborative creation of books


Newer collaborative practices

• Virtual environments, free from physical constraints of real life• Teleportation creates opportunities for group interaction • Multi-immersivity allows for greater creativity and exploration • Twitter is a potential collaboration tool to support back channels (difficult or

impossible to replicate in real life) • Students collaborate in exchange of ideas in (a)synchronous environments

• Augmented intelligence• Collaborative leadership in public health• Cloud computing• Distributed cognition• Collaborative Innovation Network • Smart mobs• Swarm creativity• Wisdom of the crowd • Social multimedia networking

BC Example: PHSA Collaborative Modelhttp://www.phsa.ca/HealthProfessionals/Population-Public-Health/Centres-For-Population-Public-Health/default.htm

Trends in collaboration

Flash-mob cataloguers: LibraryThing

• Encourage collaboration to generate projects

• Use social multimedia to encourage F2F interactions

• Embed health professionals online supported by appropriate tools

• Interact with the public in ways that truly engage

In conclusion…