Spicy food


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For student Ahmed jasim jabbar Wasit university college of medicine Iraq

A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetative 

substance primarily used 

for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Sometimes a spice is used to hide other flavors. 

Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are parts of leafy green plants also used for flavoring or as garnish.   Spicy foods get their "heat" from a compound called 

capsaicin. Capsaicin can be found in some form in any food or vegetable with noticeable "heat." New research into capsaicin's effects on humans has uncovered many health benefits to enjoying spicy foods. Adding some spice to your favorite foods may not only make them taste better, but 

may also make you healthier

Mechanism of action

The burning and painful sensations associated with capsaicin result from

its chemical interaction with sensory neurons. Capsaicin, as a

member of the vanilloid family, binds to a receptor called the vanilloid

receptor subtype 1(VR1).

Prolonged activation of these     

neurons by capsaicin depletes presynaptic substance P, one of the body's neurotransmitters for pain and heat

With chronic exposure to capsaicin, neurons are depleted 

of neurotransmitters, leading to reduction in sensation of pain and blockade of neurogenic inflammation. If capsaicin is removed, the 

neurons recover.

What are the Health Benefits of

Spicy Foods?

Weight LossEating spicy foods also increases the metabolism, encouraging people to process food more quickly, leading some researchers to suggest that it may help 

with weight loss.In addition, Studies show that the main compound in chilies, called capsaicin, has a thermogenic effect and

may cause the body to burn more calories and “oxidize” layers of fat for 20 minutes post chow-

down. The consumption of capsaicin causes a temporary increase in body temperature and may shift the body from carbohydrate oxidation to fat 

oxidation. This is most likely why cayenne pepper can help regulate blood sugar levels after a meal.

Studies show that cultures that eat the most spicy food have much lower

incidence of heart attack and stroke. Potential reasons: Chili peppers can

reduce the damaging effects of LDL (bad cholesterol) and capsaicin may fight

inflammation, which has been flagged as a risk factor for heart issues.

Heart Health

Lower Blood Pressure Nutritionally, capsicum peppers, both

sweet and hot, do have something important to offer: large amounts of vitamin C. In fact, ounce for ounce, peppers have two and a half times more vitamin C than oranges. They are also good sources of vitamin A (which may account for the claim that they help prevent night blindness) and potassium and contain some iron and protein. At the same time, they are very low in fat and calories: 22 calories in three and a half ounces. Vitamins A and C strengthen the heart muscle walls, and the heat of the pepper increases blood flow throughout your body. All of this equals a stronger cardiovascular system.

Chillies can help protect us from common winter conditions. It may reduce flu symptoms, sinusitis, and respiratory problems. It opens everything up, makes you sweat, and boosts the immune system.

A natural muscle relaxant and pain

reliever. We all know that putting

something hot and spicy on muscular pain offers relief. Again, a hot chilli

pepper straight on the skin will do the trick. There are also a number of creams that have capsicum

in them to sooth and heal painful





offers several health benefits and is found in most meals. However, it is

most often cooked to the point that it no longer offers any health benefits, only flavor. Allicin is one of the

active elements in garlic and is heat sensitive. Instead of cooking with it, mince fresh cloves and allow it to rest for five minutes. Then, add it to the

pan before serving. Garlic helps promote one of the most essential antioxidants called glutathione

that works to process toxins out of your body.


Chili pepper and cayenne pepper are hot peppers that are rich in capsaicinoids, a compound of capsaisin that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, relieves headaches, arthritis, fever, migraine, motion sickness, poor digestion, venereal disease, vertigo and sinus issues. Capsicum peppers have been touted as cures for arthritis, atherosclerosis, the common cold, muscle cramps, infections, lung congestion and ulcers. Hot 

peppers are high in antioxidants. Chilies are beneficial in boosting your body’s immunity and healing 

properties. This is because they’re rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B6, and they 

boost the infection-fighting cells

Here are 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon that may make you want to include it in your diet every day.

Lower Cholesterol-Blood Sugar Regulation-Yeast Infection Help-Cancer Prevention-Anti-Clotting-Arthritis Relief-Anti-Bacterial-Brain Health-E. Coli Fighter-High in Nutrients

They are also a natural anesthetic

(due to the eugenol oil) which is why they were often used for dental procedures in

centuries past and are still used in

some cultures to remedy toothache.

They are well known for relieving flatulence and can

actually help promote good

digestion as well as metabolism. They

may also help relieve vomiting

and diarrhea as well as a host of other digestive disorders.

Cloves are the dried flower buds of the

clove tree, The Chinese used cloves to get rid of bad breath over 2000 years ago. Cloves antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal

and antiseptic properties .

Ginger " Zingiber"

It has powerful anti

inflammatory properties, to

manage inflammation

associated with an autoimmune

disease that have known as 

Ankylosing Spondilitis.

Ginger is commonly used as a spice for pumpkin pie and

other winter foods. You can make a hot

tea from it that soothes your

digestion and treat stomach upset and calms nausea and

diarrhea .

Because Ginger is a natural and very powerful

(cyclooxygenase) Cox-2

inhibitor, just as NSAIDs and aspirin are, it is also quiet effective for


Ginger also soothes the stomach and aids in digestion, so for this reason its great for

symptoms relating to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), flu, stomach upset,

nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, even chemotherapy related nausea.  It also eases

cold symptoms.


Many Italian and Mediterranean recipes call

for rosemary, which contains high levels of anti-oxidants while also offering up a good amount of flavor.

Rosemary can be used fresh or dried to season meat, pasta sauces and

fish. Incorporating rosemary into your cooking regularly can stop cancer

cells from growing and reduces your risk of

developing heart disease.

TURMERICTurmeric is a yellow spice from India is the primary

ingredient in curry, is responsible for many of

the dish’s health benefits. The most

prolific may be its effect on those who suffer

from arthritis.  curry is also reduced risk for

Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

This is because of curcumin within the

turmeric; curcumin can identify plaques in the brain called amyloid plaques, bind to the

plaque and keep it from reproducing.Also

 reduce the risk of developing prostate,

breast, skin and colorectal cancer,

possibly because of its antioxidant properties.

Here are some health benefits of

turmeric:1 .It is a natural

antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting

cuts and burns .2 .When combined

with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate

cancer.3 .Prevented breast

cancer from spreading to the

lungs in mice. 

4 .May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells

to commit suicide.5.Is a natural painkiller and cox-

2 inhibitor.6 .May aid in fat metabolism

and help in weight management.

7 .Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a

treatment for depression.

8 .Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid

arthritis.9 .Has been shown to stop

the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.

10 .Speeds up wound healing and assists in

remodeling of damaged skin.

11 .May help in the treatment of psoriasis and

other inflammatory skin conditions.


Negative Effects Of Spicy Foods

Now that you know which foods can cause you harm, here is why they shouldn't be overused





Damage to taste


Gastritis An overabundance of spicy food can cause

Gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation in the stomach lining. It is usually triggered

by infections, but spicy foods like chili peppers are also believed to reduce the

stomach's protective barrier.Chronic gastritis can produce ulcers by allowing the stomach's own acids to eat away at the lining. Ulcers can heal with time, just like any other lesion, but one

must eat milder meals.

Acid-refluxIn some people, spicy food can trigger acid

reflux disease, which isn't bad per se, but it can be bothersome. Restaurant cuisine often

seems to elicit this condition -- all that burping men experience after a nice Italian meal at their favorite bistro isn't a result of

bad manners, it's the body not being able to handle all that strange, spicy cuisine.

Chronic acid reflux disease can also lead to esophageal cancer, but only in rare cases. Cutting down on peppery cooking is a good first step to reducing this risk. Acid reflux, especially at night, can also erode teeth.

InsomniaHere's one most men probably didn't

know: spicy food is bad for sleep. The cause is quite simple. The body needs

to slow down before it can snooze and spicy food raises body

temperature (that's why we sweat after a consuming fiery food). If one

happens to consume something zesty before going to bed, it can disrupt slumber. The first cycle of sleep is particularly sensitive to hot food.

Damage to taste budsFinally, constantly eating hot food can permanently reduce the sensation of

taste .I often hear people assure others that they will get used to the burning of

chili peppers. It's true, people do feel less scorching after years of spicy

abuse, but not because the body got "used" to the sensation in

question.Over time, taste buds wear out, making this reduced sensation nothing more than wear and tear of

chronic abuse .

Why Do Spicy Foods Cause Runny Noses?

spicy foods cause runny noses for one simple

reason: they contain the chemical capsaicin,

which causes inflammation in the

nerves and elevates the production of mucus in the nasal membranes.

This leads to an increase in the draining action of

the nasal passages. While the result may not

be aesthetically pleasing, there are

actually a number of reasons why this may be

a good thing for the body.

Eating spicy foods when they have a cold is one

way that people can take advantage of the

action of capsaicin. For many people, one of the

worst conditions associated with the

common cold is a stuffy nose. While it is

possible to take a decongestant and get some relief, the fact is the effect will not last all that long and will

not do much to resolve the problem in the long


Instead, a spicy curry or similar dish will not only

provide the body with some much needed nutrients, but the heat from the spices will

act as a natural decongestant, bringing

relief quickly without any side effects at all. With a full

stomach and the ability to breathe temporarily

restored, it is often much easier for someone with a cold to get the sleep the

needed to fight off the virus. 
