Slides of brain anatomy .part2



quick review of brain anatomy.

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Slides of brain anatomy


1.sup.frontal G/2.pericallosal art/3.midle front G/4.inf.front

G/5.cent.S/6.thalamus/7.splenium/8.head of cudate n/9.internal c art/10.great c vein

1.Genu of c c/2.inernal c/lateral v/4.thalamus/5.internal c vein/6.fornix/


1.3rd v/2.epiphysis of cerebrum/3.hippo/4.sup.cerebellar

cistern/5.fornix/6.insular c/7.parieto-occibital art

1.ant.c art/2.optic n/ n/4.ambient c/5.vermis/6.straight s/7.amygdaloid body

1.Ant c artery/2.optic c artery/4.cerebral peduncle/5.tegament of

midbrain/6.vermis/7.straightg/8.midd c art/9.temp h

1.sup.rectus m/2.sphen sinus/3midd c art/4.pit.gland/5.confluence s/6.b.artery/ c

art/8.4th v

1.Sup Ophth vein/2.intrn carotid art/3.retro-orbital fatt/4. inf temp g

1.Sphen s/2.facial n/3.uvela of vermis/4.intern c art/5.ponto-cerebellar cistern

1.Internal jug vein/2.sigmoid s/3.m.oblongata/,vertebral art

1.seplemium/2.thalamus/3.great c vein/4.head of c n/5.optic n/6.intern c art

1.C sulcus/2.occib horn/3.tentorium cerebelli/4.insular c/5.temp horn

1.Septum p/2.precommisural fornix/3.sphen s/4.ant c art/5.midd c art/6.intern c art

1.fornix/2.pineal g/3.mammilary b/4.s pellus/5.anter commisure/6.optic tract

1.Sup anter fissure/2,uvula/3.pyramis/4.tonsil/5.ponto-

mesencaphalic s/6.ponto-medullary s

1.Sup s s/2.sup anastomotic v/3.confluence s/4.cavernus c/5.parietal s/6.sigmoid s /7intern jug


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