Safety & Sanitation PowerPoint


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Kitchen Safety & SanitationTips for In Class

and At Home

General Safety Guidelines

Don’t let hair, jewelry or sleeves dangle. They could catch fire or get caught in appliances.

Stay focused on what you’re doing!

Prevent clutter. Clean up and put things away as you go.

Always use the right tool for the job.

Preventing Falls

Wipe up all spills immediately.

Keep shoes tied and avoid wearing flip flops on lab days!

Preventing Cuts

Use knives properly.

Never try to catch a falling knife.

Don’t soak knives in soap-filled water.

Never pick up broken glass with your hands. Always use a broom & dustpan.

First Aid for Cuts

For severe bleeding, apply pressure with a thick cloth.

For minor cuts, wash with soap and water, blot dry, and bandage.


The Consumer Product Safety Commission

estimates over 137,000 people receive hospital treatment due to

kitchen knife injuries each


Electrical Safety

Water and electricity don’t mix!

Avoid damaging, tugging on, or burning electrical cords.

Watch for cord/appliance wear and tear. Tell teacher immediately.

How many of you have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen at home?

Preventing Fires

Every home kitchen should be equipped with a fire extinguisher.

(We have 3 in this classroom!)

Always use potholders instead of dish towels.

The only things on your stovetop should be pots and pans.

In Case of Fire

Turn off appliance.

Douse with baking soda, NOT water.

Use a fire extinguisher.

If clothing catches fire, stop, drop and roll!

Crawl on the ground to get out of a smoke-filled room.

Has anyone been burned

in the kitchen before?

Preventing Burns

Turn handles of pots and pans inward so they won’t be knocked off the stovetop.

Use thick, dry potholders.

Remove pan lids away from you to avoid steam burns.

Pat dry food before placing it in hot oil.

Use tongs to remove food from or to turn food in hot water or oil.

First Aid for Burns

Cool burns with cold water or ice.

Treat with a burn relief gel.

First Aid for Choking

If capable, perform Heimlich Maneuver.

Perform CPR if person has stopped breathing and heartbeat has stopped.

Microwave Safety

Use potholders to remove food containers.

Remove lids carefully to avoid steam burns.

Distribute heat by stirring microwaved foods before serving.

Sanitation Procedures

Wear a clean apron

Pull hair back

Cover cuts

Wash hands with soap before beginning, and wash hand often while cooking!

Avoid touching your hair, skin and face

Consider wearing a stylish hair or beard net.

Sanitation Procedures

Use clean dishtowels and potholders

Wipe countertops down before beginning, as well as after completing the lab

Use hot, soapy water for washing dishes

Use a clean spoon every time you taste food

Sanitation Procedures

After handling raw meat, scrub all areas, utensils, and hands with hot, soapy water

If possible, use a utensil, not your hands

Avoid cross-contamination

Cover leftovers and store them in the refrigerator immediately

Avoid the Danger Zone: 40° - 140°

165°F = Poultry

160°F = Ground Meats & Egg Dishes

145°F = Beef, Lamb, Veal & Seafood

140°F = Hold Hot Food

40°F - 140°F = DANGER ZONE!

40°F = Refrigerator Temperatures

0°F = Freezer Temperatures
