Sachin Mehta-A Eye Specialist


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Contributor-Dr. Sachin Mehta

A Eye Specialist MS DNB(Ophthal)

How many years of experience..?

Nearly 15 years from my internship.

Since you are a successful…Sir, how do you take your work..?

As a new Establishment

In future to establish an eye care hospital for the needy person

So, They can atleast make their vision clean

According to you, what are the qualities to become a successful Employ..?

Make a schedule for a day and do the work as you have decided to do it.

Be honest

Passionate about your work.

Follow your senior’s instructions.

During your long successful career, you might have faced some challenges, how do you take it..? Asan opportunities or as a hurdle?


Because challenges faced in my career will help me to do something different than one I am doing it.

According to you, what is a job satisfaction..?

External and internal satisfaction

Sir, according to you, what is your Contribution to organization and how do you relate it to society?

Can you give me any example of your personal experience in which you demonstrate “you can do”attitude and “overcome the “Fear of Failure”?

Everytime I am doing the eye operation I overcome my fear of failure because it is a “Risk ” but by doing this I am saving someone eyes for their great vision and I learned from every operations that I am doing that “Yes , I Can Do “ and also that I will do whatever things possible by me in near future for it.

What is your short term vision? And what is your Long term Vision?

Short Term Vision- My tomorrow operation should be successful

and ya to brought out my child with care and do every possible

things within limits which I can do for him.

Long Term Vision- To bring a eye care hospital.

What is your message or an advice for the future engineers...or any suggestion for youth?

Don’t do the work for the sake of completion.

But do the work until your satisfaction of doing it does not comes from your heart.

And ya being an engineers or anyone you should know how to overcome the failure. Because in each and every one life there is a phase of failure. Later or earlier it do exists.

Sir… Will you please share any life experience of yours, which you feel makes you a successfulperson??

Sorry, I cant but from my failure only I have become this much successful in my life.

Thank you…
