Psychology in Eating Disorder Essay Sample


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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 9

Discuss the difficulties involved in the diagnosis treatment and referral of eating disorders in

general practice ............................................................................................................................... 9

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 15

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 16

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The psychology is the generally the most important part in today’s pressurized

environment. It is generally defined as the broad study which includes the human mind and

behavior. The study of the human behavior is the major issue of the science and technology

because the mentality of the individual changes in friction of a second. It is basically the

technique that helps in understanding of what are the needs of the individuals, the various

thoughts and emotions that are coming to the mind of the individual during a specific period.

Psychology can also be defined as the study of the behavior (Eating Disorders. 2013).

Psychology is generally used to solve human problems. It also includes the emotional issues

related to the many ups and down in the life of an individual. The good health and the

functionality of the individual are also studied under the psychological concept. As a whole the

combination of the thoughts, emotions and behavior of the individual is called the psychology

including the social and physical conditions.

The eating disorder is the major issue of the today’s generation. As per the requirement of

the essay the difficulties in the diagnosis treatment will be explained in relation to the eating

disorders. The essay will also include the effect of the eating disorders in the personal life of the

individual. The important recommendation in relation to eating disorders is also explained in this


Discuss the difficulties involved in the diagnosis treatment and referral of

eating disorders in general practice

Generally in the recent times people never focus on the eating habits regularly. Due to the

work pressure there is a lot of negligence in the eating habits. Due to this the number of the

patient suffering from the eating habits are quite more as compared to the earlier. As per the

definition of the science, eating disorder is the habit of eating maximum in quantity is less than

the requirement of the body. Due to this insufficient or excessive food intake there are lots of

problems that are faced by the individual. There is not only the loss of the physical health but

there is also an impact on the mental health of the individual. In relation to the eating disorders,

there are some of the major diseases that are faced by the population of the UK. The most

common among the diseases are the Bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. There are also some

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There are many kinds of the effects that can be seen in the health of the individuals due to

eating disorders. The major diseases that can cause due to eating disorders are malnutrition,

dehydration Electrolyte Imbalances, Hyponatremia, Refeeding Syndrome, Lanugo, Edema,

Muscle Atrophy, Paralysis, Cancer, Insomnia, Diabetes, Ketoacidosis, Depression, Problems

during pregnancy etc. Some of them are the slowdown of the heart rate during general work at

the daily schedule (Bandura, 2006). Along with this there is a low blood pressure problem that

makes the individual internally weak. Due to the changes in the slow heart beats and the heart

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muscle of the body also changes. All this may lead to the risk of the heart failure or heart attack

as the pressure of the blood is not under the control of the body. Some of the people also face the

problem of reduction of bone density which is named medically as osteoporosis. Due to this

there is dryness and brittle in bones (Cooksey, 2008). Sometimes there arises the problem of

muscle loss and weakness which is very dangerous in today’s scenario. Severe dehydration is the

major problem that is generally found in the male due to the eating disorders. This leads to

kidney failure in the majority of cases (Emans, 2012). The maximum exhaustion at the time

when the body is internally weak is another effect of the eating disorder. In case of girls the

symptoms dry hair and skin, hair losses are the causes of the eating disorders. Some of the major

issues due to eating disorders are the effects that are related to the digestive system. This not only

affects the heart but also affect all the body parts of the body. The problem of excessive vomiting

can also affect the food pipe severely. There can be also some issues that are related to the tooth

decay. The diseases like Type II diabetes mellitus, Gallbladder disease can also occur to the

person who is under the eating disorders (Gurel & Ertuna, 2007).

There are some of the psychological effects of the eating disorders. Firstly the overweight

of the person in front of the mirror. Whenever the person looks in the mirror he finds himself

with a bulky weight. This is the major issue that changes the psychology of the person and he

starts eating less for getting the slim figure. Secondly, some of them think that they are lacking

somewhere in loosing attention in the society starts blaming their eating habit and the body shape

(Hick, 2009). They make the perception that either than removing the weaker they can create the

artificial image in the society that can attract the money from the surroundings. Thirdly the social

withdrawal is the major issue for the individual. If the person is in a relationship, he will try to

take possible ways for making the loved one happy. Due to this sometimes the youth make the

mentality that the starvation in relation to food is the best for this. Fourthly there is the major

correlation of the eating disorder with the other disorders of the body. It is the first mentality of

the person that every problem of the body is related to the eating habits of the individual. Even

the doctors without much of the diagnosis ask for the patient about the food habits and direct

accordingly as per the diet (Hill, 2004). Along with this the fear of growing up is the major issue

for developing the eating disorders. Some of the population thinks that the due to eating

disorders they may get separated from their family. The image of the perfectionism is always

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There are some of the difficulties that are faced generally during the process of the

physical and psychological evaluations. At the time of the physical exam the patient felt it

awkward to go for the complete check-up as they don’t want their lacking to come out in front of

all. There are some of the reports that are not delivered on time due to this the patient change the

mindset about the proceeding further in this process of check-up (Rottman, 2009). In some of the

cities there is a lack of supported devices that are appropriate for the diagnosis of the eating

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disorders. Due to this some of the interested candidates neglects the regular diagnosis process

(Taormina, 2009).

There are some of the difficulties that are generally faced while diagnosis of the eating

disorders. Firstly it is most common that the person didn’t belief that he or she is suffering from

the eating disorders. Whenever they are asked to go for a test they ignore that they are not

suffering from any of the eating disorders. Due to this the maximum of the population remains

untested and this lead to the untimely treatment of the disorders (Williams, 2000). Secondly the

lack of the proper symptom of the eating disorder is the major issue for the person. No one can

guess by the general view that the person is suffering or not. The science has also not mentioned

any of the particular habits that can prove the presence of the eating disorder. Due to this some of

the patient remains unfounded and no corrective measures are taken for the improvement of the

condition. Along with the two of the challenges there are some of the more challenges in front of

the diagnosis treatment of eating disorders (Woerden, 2011).

As per the recent analysis, it is recommended that a good diagnosis is the first approach

to the treatment of the disorder or problem. The diagnosis differs from one person to another

according to the nature of the individuals. Some of the people are aware of the fact that the life

insurance company does not pay for any kind of the diseases. Among them the eating disorders

fall and that is the reason that some of the interested candidates refuse for the diagnosis treatment

of eating disorders. As per the reimbursement of the some of the diagnosis is concerned, there

are some of the legal and financial issues related to it (Lask and Frampton, 2011). As per the

research it was found that some of the patient those are suffering from the anorexia nervosa are

getting unfocused due to the clinical studies. There is no application of the any community-based

samples. As per the prescription of the earlier medical checkup some of the clinicians make the

diagnosis report of the current situation and this is the reason why the actual reason of the

problem is still undefined with the patient. As eating disorders are a mixture of the physical and

mental illness, so sometimes it becomes impossible for the person to identify the actual problem

related to health (Laser and Watson, 2011). The process of treating every kind of the eating

disorder patient in the same way and this is the major issue during diagnosis. There is also an

impact on the social cultural factors on the diagnosis. The eating habits represent the culture

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form where the person belongs. If the eating habit is poor, then there are some of the question

marks in the image of the individual’s ancestors (Goodman and Villapion, 2001).

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Accordingly it has been seen and analyzed that some form of psychotherapy or

psychological counseling is the most effective and long-lasting treatment for an eating disorder

along with this attention towards medial and nutritional needs is also essential (Gilbert, 2005).

The most effective and long-lasting treatment for an eating disorder is some form of

psychotherapy or psychological counseling, coupled with careful attention to medical and

nutritional needs. Both underlying psychological, cultural and interpersonal forces and eating-

disordered symptoms must be addressed by Psychological counseling. Firstly it is must for

individuals to learn how to live healthfully and peacefully with food. Secondly basically licensed

health professionals provide the care, including but not limited to a psychiatrist, psychologist,

nutritionist, social worker or medical doctor. Thirdly the presence of a health professional is

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must while dealing with eating disorders. Fourthly along with medical management by their

primary care provide most of patients respond to outpatient therapy, including group, individual,

or family therapy. The Cognitive behavioral therapy is basically planned for the patient who

wants to take the short time therapy. In this type of Cognitive behavioral counseling, structured

treatment is followed which ultimately helps the patient to deal with the thoughts, feelings and

behaviors which pull him towards the problem of eating disorder. Sometimes it can also help the

patient to learn and also to recognize the actual problem faced by the patient and change unclear

thoughts. This type of the mentality change will lead to stop continuing eating disorder

behaviors. Interpersonal psychotherapy is basically another short-term treatment that is taken by

the business man who is not having the excessive time for the lengthy type of treatment. In this

type of psychotherapy the major focus is on the resolving relationship issues such as the

relationship between the newly married couples. This type of counseling contributes to stop

eating disorder. This type of treatment may be especially helpful for those patients who are going

under complete depression along with eating disorder diseases. Now after discussing the

treatment it is clear that the eating disorders are having some of the major issues related to the

mentality of the person. These difficulties can be stopped by changing the mindset of the patient.


The eating disorder is the major issue that needs to be solved for the increment in the

efficiency of the population. As per the report of the year 2013, there are maximum numbers of

the people who are suffering from the eating disorders. As per the data the female is more in

comparison to male in relation to improper eating habits. There are two types of disorders

namely the Bulimia nervosa and Anorexia nervosa. Both the disorders are having the major

impact on the population mainly on the children from the age group 10 to 11 years and youth

from the age group of 20 to 40 years (Sharpe, Musiat, Knapton, and Schmidt, 2011). As per the

report the major symptoms of the eating disorders are analyzed and was found that the youth of

today’s generation starts the self starvation. This kind of consciousness about their weight and

looks divert their mind towards their eating habits. The major objective of the report is mainly to

analyze the number of difficulties that are faced at the time of diagnosis of the eating disorders.

As per the report it was found that the there was some negligence from the individual side during

the diagnosis of the eating habits. There were also some of the external factors that influence the

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