Pregnancy Week By Week Guide


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Congratulations on this beautiful phase of your life!

These 40 weeks will cause a lot of changes in your

body and you can understand how your baby is

developing from your pregnancy stages week by


Pregnancy starts when a fertilized egg implants in

the uterus and this foetus grows and changes

dramatically during the course of these 9 months. Page 2

Pregnancy starts when a fertilized egg implants in

the uterus and this foetus grows and changes

dramatically during the course of these 9 months.

Women usually experience a wide range of

symptoms as they progress in their pregnancy week

by week.

For most women, a missed period is the first sign of

entering this wonderful phase.

4 Weeks Page 3

The other early signs include frequent urination,

mood swings, fatigue, nausea and tender or swollen


This is the time when pregnancy symptoms week by

week are becoming noticeable.

There are some common discomforts like fatigue,

heartburn, frequent urination and nausea that get

worse during this time.

5-8 Weeks

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The heart also beats faster than normal in order to

carry the extra blood.

The symptoms continue from the second month and

they can get worse during the third month.

Especially for nausea, the overall condition can

worsen. Breasts also grow and change during this


9-12 Weeks

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This is a time of comfort since signs of early

pregnancy start to disappear. Nausea and vomiting

also reduce, making it easier for the mom-to-be.

There can be some digestive problems like

heartburn and constipation. You might also

experience shortness of breath or faster breaths due

to change in blood flow. You might also feel dizzy or

faint due to the changes in blood vessels.

13-16 Weeks Page 6

This is the time to actually feel your baby inside

you. Women start to feel the foetal movements first

time during the fifth month.

It feels like butterflies in the stomach and is referred

to as quickening. You might experience

constipation, dizziness, shortness of breath and

heartburn. Breasts can become 2 cups larger in size

during this period.

17-20 Weeks

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The pregnancy symptoms week by week continue

during this time similar to the fourth and fifth

month. Some women may experience Braxton-Hicks


This is a practice of the uterus to get ready for

labour and delivery. Breasts will also start

producing tiny drops of milk during these weeks.

21-24 Weeks

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During this time, a woman’s uterus continues to

expand. The feeling of dizziness might reduce.

You can experience symptoms similar to the

previous weeks. Back pain is a common problem

during the seventh month of pregnancy.

25-28 Weeks

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Since the uterus is constantly expanding, women

start to feel tired easily and have breathing

problems. They are also susceptible to varicose

veins or haemorrhoids.

You might also notice stretch marks where skin has

expanded. The effect of hormones can cause your

hair to look healthier.

29-32 Weeks

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The foetus has grown now and it can cause a lot of

pressure on the pregnant woman’s body.

The common symptoms like fatigue, shortness of

breath, varicose veins and stretch marks continue.

33-36 Weeks

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During the end of pregnancy, the uterus expands

right from the pelvis to the rib cage.

The symptoms depend on when the foetus drops

down to the lower part of the uterus. The cervix

dilates to get prepared for delivery.

Women might feel sharp pain in their vagina when

the cervix is dilating.

37-40 Weeks

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After delivery, placenta and other tissues of the

woman’s body also come out; this is known as the


Pregnancy week by week stages and symptoms can

be a little confusing since they might be different for

some women.

If you feel prolonged pain or trouble in any part of

your body, you must immediately visit your doctor.

Otherwise, enjoy these pregnancy stages week and

week and wait for the arrival of your beautiful

