Pierre dupont doctor of podiatric medicine | chiropodist


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Pierre Dupont Doctor of Podiatric Medicine |

Chiropodist | Foot Specialist On Treatment Options For


Pierre Dupont, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | chiropodist | Foot Specialist is dedicated to delivering quality care services to informed patients in a friendly manner. He effectively listens and responds to the concerns of patients. He also suggests them about the best ways to maintain and improve their health. One of the common foot problems faced by many people is the progressive bunion deformity.

A bunion is an abnormal, bony bump that progressively grows at the inside aspect of the big toe joint as the big toe is simultaneously deviating against the lesser toes. It is formed when the metatarsal bone in connection with the big toe is progressively moving out of place. Bunions or Hallux Valgus Deformities are mostly caused by repetitive talotarsal dislocation or excessive pronation resulting in abnormal force transfer in the big toe joint while standing, walking or running.

The common symptoms of a bunion deformity include redness, swelling, on and off pain, and limited range of motion in the affected joint. You may also experience a progressive limitation in your usual shoe selection, says Pierre Dupont Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist. Full-time wear of custom-made podiatric orthotics is the first-line treatment to address the root cause of the bunion deformity by keeping the ankle bone in good alignment with the foot so the causative deforming forces are kept under control.

Bone surgery do not address the cause of the bunion deformity and is only indicated in symptomatic, moderate to severe bunions unresponsive to conservative measures. The most common type of surgery involves realigning the bones on each side of the big toe joint while shaving off the inside bump. After the bunion surgery, orthotic or stent control is mandatory to restore proper foot function in order to avoid recurrence.

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