Obesity-A global disorder



Basic introduction to obesity

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Seminar TopicObesity

Presented byNida Sajjad

University of Sargodha

What obesity is?

• Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that has an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

• A metabolic disorder that is primarily induced and sustained by an over consumption or underutilization of caloric substrate.

Obesity Classification

It is based on… 1.Fat cells 2.Distribution of fat• Moderate obesity

– Associated with increase in cell size

• Sever obesity– Associated with increase

in no. of fat cells

Sex Based Difference In Body Fat Distribution

• Android Obesity:• Men tend to carry excess fat around their

abdomen• Gynoid obesity:• Women tend to accumulate excessive fat in

their hips and thighs.

Body Mass Index (kg/m2)

• BMI=weight in kg/height in metre*height in metre

Body Mass Index (kg/m2) Category

<18.5 Underweight

18.5-25 Healthy weight

25-30 Overweight

30-35 Grade 1 obese

35-40 Grade 2 obese

>40 Grade 3 obese


• Obesity is diagnosed when an individual's body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher.

• But BMI doesn't directly measure body fat because muscular athletes, may have a BMI in the obese category even though they don't have excess body fat.

• If someone have weight related health problems then that person is suffering from obesity.

Obesity-A global epidemic

• WHO estimates• Currently

– 1.5 billion adults are overweight– 400 million obese

• By 2015– 2.2 billion overweight– 700 million obese

Causes And Contributing Factors

• Complex and multifactorial disease• Inactivity (due to sedentry lifesyle)• Unhealthy diet and eating habits (fast food,high

caloric beverages,diet low in fibres)• Pregnancy• Lack of sleep (harmonal changes increase appetite)• Certain medications ( antidepressants, anti-seizure

medications, diabetes medications, antipsychotic medications, steroids )

• Genetic factor (Prader-Willi syndrome)• Endocrine disorders (Hypothyroidism)

• Arthritis• Age• Sex• Environmental factors• Cessation of smoking


Endocrine Factor

• Leptin and obesity• Released from fat tissues • Interact with

– Hypothalamus• Inhibits neuropeptide Y and Aguoti-related peptide

(AGRP) in CNS• Decreases food intake• Increases energy expenditure

How leptin causes obesity

• Primary decrease of leptin (low leptin)• Leptin receptor resistance (high leptin)

• So increase neuropeptide Y and AGRP increase in food intake and low energy expenditure sever obesity

Complications due to obesity

• Metabolic syndrome (High cholesterol & triglycerides Type 2 diabetes High BP)

• Heart disease• Cancer(fat cells secrete estrogen)• Sleep apnea,serious sleep disorder in which

breathing repeatedly stops and starts(due fat cells in neck region)

• Depression

• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (a condition in which fat builds up in the liver and can cause inflammation or scarring)

• Skin problems, such as poor wound healing

Tests and diagnosis

• Taking health history (weight history,weight loss efforts)

• Other health problems related to obesity eg diabetes.

• Calculating BMI.• Measuring waist circumference.• Blood tests.• 1.cholesterol test 2.liver function tests

Obesity Treatment Pyramid

Diet Physical Activity

Lifestyle Modification



1.Diet• Reduce fatty diets• Increase fiber diet• Take calories according to requirements(1000 to 1500 Kcal)• Stop bing eating


• Take 30 min. daily for physical activity

3.Anti-obesity drugsDrug name Orlistat Sibutramine

Brand name Xenical Reductil / trim fast

Primary indication Obesity Obesity

Use Long-term Long-term

Dosing 120 mg 5-15 mg

Side Effects Insomnia

Oily spottingIncontinence

Dry mouthIncreased BP

4.Surgery(Bariatric Surgery)

Weight loss surgery (WLS) is also known as

Bariatric Surgery. It comes from the

Greek work baros, which means

weight Only Recommended in Selected

Adult Patients BMI > 40 or with Co-morbid


