New Biology


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Def of Science before 1600

• To gain an understanding of the ‘natural order’ so that we can live in harmony with it.

» Bruce Lipton

Modern Science

• To obtain knowledge that can be used to dominate and control Nature

– Bruce Lipton

Newtonian Mechanism

• Materialism -- a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality.

• “All that matter is … matter.”

• Bruce Lipton

Newtonian Mechanism

• Reductionism• the attempt to explain all biological process

by physical law as that chemists and physicists used to interpret inanimate matter

• “take it apart and study the pieces.”

• Bruce Lipton (example: clock)

Newtonian Mechanism

• Determinism• A theory that occurences in nature are

causally determined by preceding events or natural laws.

• “We can predict the outcome.”

• Bruce Lipton


• Marriam-webster dictionary:

1. act or result of perceiving

2. awareness of environment through physical sensation