Nambudripad’s allergy elimination technique (naet)




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NTR 5503

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique


History of NAET

“NAET® was developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, a California acupuncturist, chiropractor, and a kinesiologist, in an attempt to relieve herself of severe allergic symptoms suffered since her birth in Kerala, South India.” 

“While working on her Ph.D. at Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles, she observed that people presenting allergic symptoms often responded favorably to acupuncture or acupressure treatment. After recognition of the systemic relationship between contact with an allergen and the resulting neuro-physiological effects produced in the body, she began to discover the key to the mystery of how the brain may be reprogrammed in its response to what it once took to be harmful or toxic.”

Purpose of NAET

“We now know that most illnesses (i.e.headaches, back aches, joint pains, addiction, PMS, indigestion, cough, body aches, etc.) are caused by undiagnosed allergies. When left untreated, allergies can become serious life threatening illnesses.”

“The brain provides warnings to the body whenever blockages occur within the energy pathways. These warnings include illness, pain, inflammation, fever, heart attacks, strokes, abnormal growths, tumors, and various physical, physiological and psychological discomforts.” 

NAET provides “often permanent relief from allergies and the diseases caused by allergies.”

Purpose of NAET

“Currently, conventional medicine uses skin or blood tests for diagnosing allergies and standard drug therapy to control symptoms for temporary relief.”

NAET is a natural, non-invasive, and painless treatment that addresses the underlying problem

Patient Selection

“If you suffer from any allergic condition (food, chemical, environmental, emotional allergies)or if your health condition has developed from any allergy, no matter how long you have been sick, or how old you are”.

Patient Selection

NAET “can be used safely on anyone, even on newborn infants, the elderly, comatose patients and pets.”

“In addition, NAET can complement other medical therapies requiring the use of pharmaceutical drugs (e.g. antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation) to treat for any side effects and to maximize the effectiveness of the drugs. “


“After diagnosis has been completed using standard medical testing procedures, computerized testing (NAET®ER), and kinesiological muscle response testing, a systematic treatment procedure is begun in which the central nervous system is mildly stimulated in the presence of each allergen, in order to reprogram the brain with the new message. Most patients can successfully be treated by acupressure around the spine to stimulate the nerves which convey messages to and from the brain going to the organs and other tissues all over the body.”


“Although the NAET® mechanism of action has not been well defined by standards of conventional medicine, NAET® theory proposes that a person’s unusual sensitivity to a substance is related to neurochemical energy imbalances caused by the allergen, and that NAET® desensitization and meridian balancing techniques can eliminate the underlying problem.”

Further Explanation

Reprogramming the nervous system takes place during treatments where the patient (or a surrogate in the case of anaphylactic reactions or weak individuals) touches the allergen while receiving acupressure (often with an activator) on the back The allergen must be in specific glass vials 15 basic treatments are done first in order to treat any

underlying allergies to essential nutrients, so the body can be getting proper nutrition during the subsequent treatments.


Kinesiology/Muscle testing Activator stimulation of acupuncture points on back

Specific vials of allergen needed to perform NAET

Some Rules to Follow

“The prospective NAET® patient is required to read Say Good-bye to Illness or Say Good-bye to Your Allergies or listen to the audio version of the book, “Say Good-bye to Your Allergies” before coming for the first treatment.”

Must read, “Instructions to A New NAET® Patient Before Beginning Treatment” at first visit This is a 7 page document with 60 items or rules for



Also must avoid the allergen for 25 hours after treatment


“NAET® is a mild, energy balancing, non-invasive, gentle procedure. It has not been shown to cause any long-term adverse effects on anyone since its discovery within the last twenty-three years.”

“NAET® treatments during pregnancy have not shown to cause any adverse effects to the mother or child so far.”

“Practitioner must always ask permission ( consciously and subconsciously ) before doing a treatment.  Sometimes the body will not be able to handle it, if in a weakened state.  Must use caution during pregnancy and also if there are any implanted metal plates/ rods.  Contraindicated if there are any implanted electrical devices ie. pacemaker, defibrillator etc.  Anyone w/ anaphylaxis MUST be treated through a surrogate- also a very strict protocol to follow.  Must use surrogate for infants, young children and those w/ spinal problems.” ~ Lisa Jeske RN, NAET Practitioner


“I am 44 years old and for a little over 3 years have been suffering from seafood, fish, dairy, spice, perfume, and cigarette smoke allergies. As soon as I came in contact with one of these products, I swelled up and would have to either go to the hospital or take 3 Benadryl to prevent any more swelling. Also, whenever I ate chocolate or drank coffee, I got lumps in my left breast. I had to have a mammogram every year to make sure it was not cancerous. Ever since I had my second daughter, Céline, and got my tubes tied, I suffered from hot flashes, migraines, and my menstrual cycles was never 28 days; it was more like every 17 to 28 days. My family doctor had told me that I was going through pre-menopause. After seeing the extraordinary results of Cheryl’s treatments for my daughter Jessica’s allergies, I made up my mind, and right after receiving the first treatment which balances your brain and your body, I never again had hot flashes, migraines, and my menstrual cycle is now every 35 days. After the 5th treatment, I could eat ice cream as well as any other dairy product. During the 9th treatment, with Cheryl present, I ate a small lobster claw with no allergic reaction and I now eat fish or seafood twice a week with no problem. Cheryl also treated me for chocolate, coffee and caffeine and I no longer have any lumps in my breast. I can eat chocolate and drink coffee with no problems.

I recommend NAET to all persons suffering from allergies. You will be very surprised at the very positive results you will have.

Thank you Cheryl.”


“I just wanted to write and say thank you. My 2 year old son Max was diagnosed with failure to thrive caused by Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE). (There is a website with info) We were told that there is little information about this condition and no medicinal cure, just a bunch of drugs to put a band-aid on the problem, including steroids. He could have ended up on a feeding tube as an adult. I heard of NAET through an acquaintance and brought Max to see an acupuncturist Linda Fournier in Leominster, MA. After 12 NAET sessions Max was cured of his food and environmental allergies. A repeat endoscopy showed that Max is 100% cured of his EE. He had zero eosinophils in his digestive system, and has gained 3 pounds. We are so thrilled that I feel like telling the world about this. I am telling everyone I know about NAET, and hopefully it will help someone else’s life as well. So thank you again. You have changed our lives.”


“Had I not been so desperate, I never would have tried anything as far fetched sounding as NAET® and I would either be dead or still on 4 prophylactic asthma-allergy medications. Even with that I was unable to go anywhere without rescue inhalers & epinephrine (which I used many times a day), and was constantly sick. My first two hospitalizations for pneumonia were when I was under 1 year of age & was in an iron lung. Through out my childhood I was plagued with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. But it was not until I reached my mid forties that the worst trouble started: immediate closing of my throat with even minimal contact with molds, perfumes, (certain soaps, shampoos, etc.) or tobacco. I couldn’t consider going to the theater or on public transportation. If air travel was needed, I had to take a gas mask. Constant infections, steroids, etc. took their toll. After NAET® treatments, I can tolerate what would have been life-threatening situations, am off of all of my asthma and allergy medications, am no longer sick all the time, and have a much fuller life. My pulmonologist was shocked at the results. He had done breathing tests before treatments and after. He said my lifelong asthma is completely gone and he has never seen anything like this before. I am now finishing the last of my treatments and am extremely grateful. I am shocked that NAET® is not more well-known and accepted. NAET® is a miracle.”


Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation (NAR Foundation) is dedicated to allergy research in complementary and alternative medicine (which include acupuncture, allopathy, chiropractic, Oriental medicine, herbal, and nutritional medicine). 


A Double Blind-Placebo Controlled, Milk Allergy Reduction Study Using NAET®

Desensitization (Chiropractic and Acupuncture) Methods

Devi S. Nambudripad, M.D., D.C., L.Ac., Ph.D., Mala Moosad, R.N., N.D., L.Ac., Ph.D., and the NAET® Research Associates

“This study will evaluate the efficacy of detecting and reducing allergies, sensitivities and intolerances to cow’s milk through NAET® testing and treatment procedures in a group of subjects who were known to have sensitivities to milk and milk products in varying degrees.”


Materials and Methods: “36 subjects volunteered for this study. Before being selected as a subject, they

were asked to write down one of their major health problems upon using milk or milk products, the amount of milk consumed on a daily basis and the intensity of the problems on a visual analogue scale of zero to ten, where zero=no discomfort and ten=maximum discomfort. The following testing modalities are currently used on patients by energy medicine health practitioners and NAET® practitioners in detecting sensitivities to substances they consume or come in contact with in everyday life: (1). NSTRS (Neuromuscular Sensitivity Testing Rating Scale); (2). PDRS (Pulse Difference Rating Scale); (3). SIT (Spinal Integrity Test); (5). OMIT (Organ-Meridian Integrity Test using NAET test points). We decided to include all these four screening modalities in this study.”

“The results were compared with four established standard medical allergy testing procedures. (1). ASRS (Allergy Symptom Rating Scale- this is used by many medical disciplines to evaluate the patient’s condition); (2). IgE-total (serum is tested for immunogIobulin E- via RAST); (3). IgE -sp antigen test by ELISA methods; (4). Intra Dermal testing. Laboratory technicians drew blood for serum immunoglobulin studies: first time before beginning the study and second time four weeks after completion of NAET® treatments.”


Results: “Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Word and Excel. Assumptions were

met for the randomization and distribution. Two sets of four different evaluation procedures from energy medicine (The initial reading was taken after holding the sample of milk for ten minutes in the subject’s hand; the second reading was taken four weeks after completion of NAET® treatment for milk).”

“The before and after treatment results were compared. We analyzed the efficiency of each of the four test-results independently against the ASRS, RAST, ELISA and ID. The before treatment results were then compared with the after treatment results. There were 36 subjects in the study. Each subject was given a sample of the energy signature of milk in a glass capsule to hold in their hand for ten minutes. The evaluations were done and results recorded. The 36 subjects were then randomly divided into three groups: (1). Treatment Group, (2). Placebo Group, (3). Control Group.”

“The experimental subjects were given NAET® treatments for the milk antigen. The placebo group was treated with placebo samples. The third group was sent home after the initial evaluation suggesting that they return after four weeks for a repeat evaluation. The mean difference of each test for each subject before treatment and after treatment was taken as the measure of the effect of the tests on that subject. The mean difference of tests performed before and after NAET® treatments are given below…”


Conclusions: “This study clearly demonstrated a significant

difference in the mean data of the before and after treatment evaluations (ASRS, NST, PDRS, OMIT, SIT, IgE ELISA, IgE RAST, and ID) in the treatment/experimental group while there was very little or no difference recorded in the mean data of the before and after evaluations (ASRS, NST, PDRS, OMIT, SIT, IgE rast, IgE elisa, and ID) in the placebo group as well as in the control group.”


Only studies done on NAET are through Dr. Nambudripad’s Research Foundation (NARF)

“The evidence for use of NAET® in clinical practice is also growing. The results of several randomized blinded placebo-controlled studies have supported the use of NAET® diagnostic and treatment strategies. Retrospective studies of over 10,000 patients have shown that over 80% of patients receiving proper NAET® treatments experienced significant reduction or elimination of symptoms. Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation continues to support research and education in this important area.”

Studies seem well done: inclusion/exclusion criteria are present, p-value present, statistics



I believe that more research needs to be done on NAET

Could be a promising new energy type therapy to eliminate allergies


NAET website: Lisa Jeske RN, BSN, BS

Fingerlakes Chiropractic1416 E. Genesee St.Skaneateles, NY 13152USA

NAET Practitioner Nambudripad, Devi. Introduction to NAET.

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine. May 2010. https://
